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Tag: Clergy

Clergy Wellness Workshop – Compassion Fatigue

For many of us, this is a particularly difficult time to be a United Methodist clergy person. Even in the best of times, the work of ministry is inherently challenging and demanding. On top of that, we find ourselves in the midst of fracture, pain, harm, and uncertainty within our denomination and more broadly in our society. It is not uncommon for clergy persons to go through periods of exhaustion or burnout, and when we do, one of the most troubling symptoms can be compassion fatigue—a gradual loss of the ability to be empathic and compassionate with those we serve.

In this workshop, Katie will share what she has learned, as a mental health counselor and as someone who has experienced periods of compassion fatigue herself, how to build self-compassion alongside compassion for others so that we can tend to our own needs while also tending to the needs of those we serve. The work of caring for God’s people often stretches us beyond our comfort zones and invites us to cultivate an identity-based in serving others. Sometimes, this work feels deeply rewarding, and sometimes, it can begin to feel like too much.  We may become overwhelmed by the suffering of those in our charge and unsure about what constitutes realistic expectations. We may find it difficult to prioritize our own needs in the face of the immensity of the need around us. Sometimes these challenges lead to compassion fatigue, which is a common experience for folks in caring professions.

In this shame-free workshop, we will explore how to prevent compassion fatigue, how to notice the signs of its approach, and what to do when we find ourselves in the midst of it.

CLICK HERE to register!

Rev. Katie Stickney is the Deacon at Redmond United Methodist Church and a Licensed Mental Health Counselor specializing in trauma and abuse. In addition to her private practice, she has been a teacher, chaplain, and domestic violence advocate. Katie is passionate about self-care, tea, and being near (or in) water as often as possible. Contact Katie at or 206-407-9675.

This is part of an ongoing series of web-based ZOOM workshops on clergy wellness, hosted by the Formation Committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry. A minimum of 10 participants are required to register for this event to take place; a maximum of 25 participants may register. Registration will close on Friday, July 12.

Clergy Wellness Workshop – Conflict Resolution Workshop

Presented by Denise McGuiness, Ph.D, MDiv

This workshop will address how pastors can better handle conflict of all kinds in their churches, with special consideration for the current crisis in the global UMC. No matter what the results of the Special General Conference are, there will be implications for many of the churches in our conference on either side of the debate. This workshop can be a place of learning how to meet these challenges with grace and compassion for all involved.

Denise has been trained in the Just Peace process and has done conflict resolution work with churches all over the Greater Northwest Episcopal Area. Participants are invited to bring experiences of church conflict from their current church or past appointments. Actual scenarios will help to ground the learning in real-life terms.

This is part of an ongoing series of web-based ZOOM workshops on clergy wellness, hosted by the Formation Committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry. Click here to register for this workshop online. A minimum of 5 participants are required to register for this event to take place; a maximum of 25 participants may register. Registration will close on Friday, March 8.

Roots and Wings – “Love Thy Neighbor”

Click for larger view.

Lunch Included

Our theme this year is LOVE THY NEIGHBOR. The Greater Northwest Area’s INNOVATION AND VITALITY TEAM will be leading us throughout the day, in worship, plenary session, conversations and workshops revolving around the three key practices that we believe are present in every vital congregation. These practices are namely, INCLUSION, INNOVATION and MULTIPLICATION.

We have picked the theme, LOVE THY NEIGHBOR to celebrate what God is already doing in our faith communities in the ways we are loving and engaging our neighbors as well as to spark further our imagination towards what is still possible about God’s trans-formative work in our neighborhoods. To this end, four workshops will be offered, namely: Faith-based Community Organizing, Asset Based Community Development, Intercultural Competency, and Intentional Multiplication.

The Early-bird registration is $20 per person until March 15 and $30 per person thereafter. ($30 at the door) There are scholarships available for those who cannot otherwise afford to attend. To request a scholarship, please contact Hollie, or (206) 870-6814.

Childcare Available, be sure to fill out information on your registration!

Click Here to Register!

Crossing Over from Competition to Collaboration

This event is Free for All Clergy in the Crest to Coast District! Click HERE to Register Now!

The first Crest to Coast Missional District Clergy Day Apart will be on Thursday, February 21st, 10:00am-3:30pm at Chehalis UMC. The theme will be Crossing Over from Competition to Collaboration. In line with the Bishop’s invitation to a CrossOver year, we will spend the day engaging in conversation about collaboration in ministry. There will be a few different movements for the day:

  • Prayer for General Conference
  • Large and small group dialogue about competition and collaboration in ministry
  • Open space time for community driven conversations about potential collaborations


Here are the details of the day:

  • Hospitality in the form of conversation, caffeine and snacks will be offered starting at 9:30am.
  • Our time will start promptly at 10:00am
  • Lunch is provided. Please contact Hollie Swanson with dietary needs.
  • All appointed pastoral leaders, retired clergy, and CLMs are invited to this event.


In preparation for the Clergy Day Apart, please read the following article by Rev. Jenny Smith, Pastor at Marysville UMC.


Clergy Wellness Workshop – Achieving a Healthy Body in an Unhealthy World

Presented by Brad Beeman, pastor of Aldersgate United Methodist Church.

Brad shares the wisdom gleaned from his own journey back from obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol and the research he has done since. In this workshop, he will share ideas for changing eating habits, adding exercise into your daily routine, and altering the unhealthy behaviors that undermine your desire for a healthy body.

This is the first in a series of web-based ZOOM workshops on clergy wellness, hosted by the Formation Committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry. Click here to register for this workshop online.

Registration will close on Friday, January 4, 2019. A minimum of 5 participants are required to register for this event to take place; a maximum of 25 participants may register.

Stories of the Pastorhood – Puget Sound Clergy Day Apart



All clergy under appointment in the new Puget Sound Missional District are invited to a unique gathering together on Wednesday, January 23. This day will be full of story telling, celebration, collaboration, truth telling and deep listening to each other. We’ll reflect on our generational differences and similarities. We’ll explore the idea that we are a pastorhood together. This day will not necessarily be about learning new content. Our goal is that we’ll emerge more connected to each other with a deeper sense of trust and friendship. We believe in those kinds of relationships, the Spirit gets more room to work in and through us!

Want to follow this event on Facebook, click HERE

Register Now by Click HERE!

Vancouver All District Clergy and Lay Learning Event: Compassionate Spirituality

Register NOW!!

We are clearly living in anxious times.  Our communities are deeply divided and sometimes it’s hard to navigate how we are to move forward as individuals as well as faith communities.  Dr. Frank Rogers, author of “The Way of Jesus, Compassion in Practice,” has been invited to help us circumnavigate our way into the future, offering healing and hope in a broken world.  Following the way of Jesus, Dr. Rogers offers a way to live compassionately “when our world threatens to consume us, throbbing with boundless discrimination, violence, and greed.”

The Vancouver District invites you to join us as we develop our personal spiritual lives and explore practical ways to be compassionate in a fractured world.  It is our belief that Jesus offers us a real solution to the challenges before us.  And that solution is to act as God’s heartbeat; pumping grace into whatever community we find ourselves a part.  Together we will explore how Jesus teaches us how to be at peace and how we can help heal our anxious world in the months and years to come.

We will also be offering some Nuts & Bolts style trainings in the afternoon:

  • Finance: Rik Jameson
  • Trustees: Brant Henshaw
  • Staff Parish Relations: Rev. David Nieda
  • Mission–Climate Justice: Myrna Manier & Stephanie Parsons
  • Discipleship – 30 Days of Glory: Janet Kourey
  • Practicing Compassion in Anxious Times: Dr. Frank Rogers
  • Root, Bloom and Grow – Greater NW Church Revitalization Process: Rev. Steve Ross
  • Relationship-Fueled Transformation: Pacific Northwest with Rachel Neer, Executive Director of Project Transformation: Pacific Northwest

This event welcomes all clergy and lay individuals.

Check-in begins at 9:30 AM.

A simple lunch will be catered and child-care is available.

Please promote this event in your local church bulletin! Click HERE for resources in Word.


Vancouver District – 3rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament

Drive Out! Homelessness 3rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament

Benefiting Council for the Homeless of Clark County

Calling all golfers: Methodist churches in the greater Portland and Vancouver areas are organizing the third annual Drive Out golf tournament to benefit homelessness.

The tournament will be held at the private Orchard Hills Golf and Country Club in Washougal, WA on Saturday, September 16th, 2017.

A four-person scramble format will allow golfers of every ability to enjoy the course together. Join us for a day of fun in the sun for a great cause! Players can register individually, with one or two friends, or as a foursome!


Want to help?

Volunteer! Persons interested in volunteering with greeting, guest services, or other aspects of the event are encouraged to email with their interest!

Donate! There is an option to donate on the registration page. You do not need to be a registered player to donate. Donations are sent to Council for the Homeless.

Baskets or Raffle Prizes! Have an idea for a great gift basket? Several of our churches have pooled their resources and crafted some amazing prizes to be raffled off during the tournament. Some basket themes: movie night for two, football / basketball / soccer , camping with s’mores kits and hiking poles, home-party night with board games and popcorn, chocolate, quilting, and – of course – GOLF! 🙂

If you’d like to support the cause by making a basket – please contact for more information.

Spread the word! There are some resources below to print and share with others.



Golf – Tournament Flyer – write-in space – 11×17 – 20170613

Golf – Sponsor Only Form – 20170613

Raffle Donations Flyer

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