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PNW Conference Appointments

Through a process of consultation, discernment and prayer, the Pacific Northwest Conference Cabinet completed the appointments and assignments for the 2024-2025 conference year.

New Appointment Announcements for 2025-2026

The following appointments and assignments are listed in reverse chronological order based upon their announcement to the conference. Only appointments or assignments made after the 2024 PNW Annual Conference are listed here.

Job Pangilinan as Associate Pastor of Blaine Memorial UMC

Bishop Cedrick D. Bridgeforth intends to appoint Job Pangilinan as Associate Pastor of Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church in Seattle, Washington, beginning July 1, 2025.

Pangilinan, a certified candidate from Fairwood Community United Methodist Church, expects to be commissioned as a Provisional Member at the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference in June.

Job Pangilinan

Rev. Joel Rodriguez as Pastor of Stanwood UMC

Bishop Cedrick D. Bridgeforth intends to appoint the Rev. Joel Rodriguez as Pastor of Stanwood United Methodist Church in Stanwood, Washington, beginning July 1, 2025.

Rev. Rodriguez is a licensed local pastor in the Pacific Northwest Conference currently serving at White Salmon UMC. It was previously announced that Stanwood’s current pastor, Rev. Justin White, will be appointed to Garden Street UMC in Bellingham in July.

Rev. Joel Rodriguez

Rev. Lisa Connolley as Pastor of Renton UMC

Bishop Cedrick D. Bridgeforth intends to appoint the Rev. Lisa Connolley as Pastor of Renton United Methodist Church in Renton, Washington, beginning July 1, 2025.

Rev. Connolley is an ordained elder in the Pacific Northwest Conference, currently serving at Coupeville UMC. It was previously announced that Renton’s current pastor, Rev. Michele Campton-Stehr, will be appointed to Sand Point Community UMC in July.

Rev. Lisa Connolley

Bishop Bridgeforth announces appointments to SeaTac District Superintendency Team

Bishop Cedrick D. Bridgeforth intends to appoint Rev. Shalom Agtarap, Rev. Ferdie Llenado, and Rev. Elizabeth Schindler to a superintendency team overseeing the SeaTac District beginning July 1, 2025. In addition to this new appointment, Revs. Agtarap and Llenado will continue to serve their current appointments, Tacoma First United Methodist Church (UMC) and Fairwood Community UMC, respectively.

Continue reading this announcement on the Greater Northwest website.

SeaTac Superintendency Team

Rev. Michele Campton-Stehr as Pastor of Sand Point Community UMC

Bishop Cedrick D. Bridgeforth intends to appoint the Rev. Michele Campton-Stehr as Pastor of Sand Point Community United Methodist Church in Seattle, Washington, beginning July 1, 2024.

Rev. Campton-Stehr is an ordained elder in the Pacific Northwest Conference, currently serving at Renton UMC. Sand Point Community’s current pastor, Rev. Tom Peterson, expects to retire at the end of June.

Rev. Michele Campton-Stehr

Rev. Dr. Tanya Sorenson as Pastor of Dayton First UMC

Bishop Cedrick D. Bridgeforth intends to appoint the Rev. Dr. Tanya Sorenson as Pastor of First United Methodist Church in Dayton, Washington, beginning July 1, 2025. 
Rev. Dr. Sorenson is a local pastor in the Pacific Northwest Conference, currently serving as Associate Pastor at Pioneer UMC in Walla Walla. Dayton First’s current pastor, Rev. Linda Weistaner, is expecting to retire at the end of June.

Rev. Dr. Sorenson

Rev. Bennie Grace “Jojo” Nabua as Pastor of Port Angeles First UMC

Bishop Cedrick D. Bridgeforth intends to appoint the Rev. Bennie Grace “Jojo” Nabua as Pastor of First United Methodist Church in Port Angeles, Washington, beginning July 1, 2025.

Rev. Nabua is an Elder in the Pangasinan Philippines Annual Conference, currently serving at Sitka United Methodist Church in the Alaska Conference. Port Angeles First’s current pastor, Rev. Kenneth Macklin, is returning to retired status.

Rev. Nabua

Rev. Justin White as Pastor of Garden Street UMC

Bishop Cedrick D. Bridgeforth intends to appoint the Rev. Justin White as Pastor of Garden Street United Methodist Church, in Bellingham, Washington, beginning July 1, 2025.

Rev. White currently serves as pastor of Stanwood United Methodist Church. Garden Street UMC’s current pastor, Rev. Kathy Hartgraves, expects to retire in July.

Rev. Justin White

Rev. Derek Nakano as Pastor of Des Moines UMC

Bishop Cedrick D. Bridgeforth intends to appoint the Rev. Derek Nakano as Pastor of Des Moines United Methodist Church in Des Moines, Washington, beginning July 1, 2025.

Serving as Superintendent of the SeaTac Missional District since 2019, Rev. Nakano discerned that this was the year to return to local church ministry.

An announcement regarding the superintendency appointment for the SeaTac District will be forthcoming in the weeks ahead.

Rev. Derek Nakano

Rev. Joel Rodriguez as Pastor of White Salmon UMC

Bishop Cedrick Bridgeforth has appointed Rev. Joel Rodriguez as Pastor of White Salmon United Methodist Church in White Salmon, Washington, beginning November 1, 2024.

Rodriguez previously served as pastor of Sunnyside UMC. It is a joy to welcome Rev. Rodriguez and his family back to the PNW Conference after an extended immigration process. White Salmon UMC’s previous pastor, Rev. Kendra Behn-Smith, was appointed to Prosser UMC  on July 1, 2024.

Rev. Joel Rodriguez

Rev. Zulma Tifre as Pastor and Mission Developer for El Camino de Emaus

Bishop Cedrick Bridgeforth has appointed Rev. Zulma Tifre as Pastor and Mission Developer for El Camino de Emaus, a Hispanic/Latinx Ministry sponsored by Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, in Burlington, Washington, beginning October 23, 2024.

Tifre will continue in her current appointment as Associate Pastor for Hispanic Ministries at First United Methodist Church in Mount Vernon, Washington. 

Rev. Zilma Tifre

Caleb Encinas Cortés as Pastor of Community Engagement at Federal Way UMC

Bishop Cedrick Bridgeforth has appointed Rev. Caleb Encinas Cortés as Pastor of Community Engagement at Federal Way United Methodist Church in Auburn, Washington, beginning October 1, 2024. Previously it was announced as an assignment, which was incorrect.

In this new position, supported in part by the PNW Conference Board of Congregational Development, Encinas Cortés will focus on increasing Federal Way UMC’s good work in external-facing community engagement and empowering relationships across cultural differences. Encinas Cortés was previously assigned to the Yesler Neighborhood Project.

Rev. Caleb Encinas Cortés
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