Missionaries & Projects
At the heart of our Conference Mission logo is the West African symbol for hope, providence and faith. When woven into cloth, it means, “By God’s grace, all will be well.”
This is what mission is all about.
As an Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, we maintain a strong connection to our purpose as a missional people rooted deeply in the Wesleyan tradition. At a fundamental level, we exist to serve as God’s hands and feet in a world that is always short of perfection.
Our Conference supports various mission projects, including Hope For the Children of Africa, and our churches maintain covenantal relationships with missionaries working to make a difference worldwide. We also make a difference by financially supporting and physically participating in United Methodist organizations like the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) and United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM), playing an important role in the tremendous work they accomplish. We believe that individuals of good will can accomplish good things, but as a committed connectional body, we know we can accomplish great things!