Ethnic Ministries
The PNW Conference is among the most diverse conferences in our United Methodist connection. We have presence in Washington and Northern Idaho language and cultural groups from all parts of the world. We have among us first generation immigrants, many of whom have fled war or poverty in their birth countries in search of a better life here.
What is your story? We would love to hear from you!
Ethnic Ministries Menu
Ethnic Ministries Home
Hispanic/Latinx Ministries
Hispanic Ministries Events/Trainings
Immigration Ministries
National Plan for Hispanic Ministries
Partner – Central Washington Justice for our Neighbors
Recursos para la Formación de Líderes
Restoring the Sacred Circle
Resource UMC – Español
Upper Room – Español
UMC.org – Español
Ethnic Ministries Staff
Rev. Cruz Edwin Santos
Director of Hispanic/Latinx Ministries
(206) 854-9904 | Email