Transfer Policy
We consistently have clergy requesting to transfer to our conference, and we appreciate the expertise in ministry and experience that each brings to the conference through our United Methodist connectional structure. Inquiries regarding transfer of membership into the PNW Conference typically begin with a request to the Bishop’s Office, with the Board of Ordained Ministry and GBHEM playing a consultative role based on the type of transfer. We take our obligations to our clergy members seriously and we take our shared responsibility to our ministries even more seriously. Because of this, we have a high standard for clergy transferring membership into our conference.
Please review the Board of Ordained Ministries policy aligning with the 2016 Book of Discipline.
General Expectations
- Transfers and Recognition of Orders will prioritize the missional needs of faith communities in the Pacific Northwest Conference.
- Under most circumstances, we require that clergy from other conferences have at least two years of experience in the PNW Conference under appointment before we consider them for transfer.
- All current expectations for leadership excellence, Christian integrity and lifelong learning for existing leaders are assumed for transfers.
- Elders under appointment in the PNW Conference are expected to be fully itinerant.
Denominational Guidelines
- Transfer of membership is described in ¶ 347 of the 2016 Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church and covers both transfers from other Annual Conferences of the United Methodist Church (Ordained Clergy and Provisional Members), and transfers from other Methodist Denominations (Ordained Elders, or ordained clergy).
- Recognition of Orders of Clergy from other Denominations is described in ¶ 347 and ¶ 348 of the 2016 Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church.
- Membership for clergy of other Christian Denominations is described in ¶347.3. Clergy from other Christian Denominations may be received as provisional members or local pastors.
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