Board of Ordained Ministry
The PNW Board of Ordained Ministry takes seriously its role to provide licensed and ordained ministers for the mission of the church in the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference. With a vision to develop disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, we seek candidates who are called to set apart ministry with the goal of establishing and renewing United Methodist Churches. We oversee the theological education of candidates and provide mentoring opportunities. In addition, we manage changes in conference relationships, assist in the retooling and continuing education of our clergy and specialized ministers and work with the various entities in the Annual Conference to further our shared mission.
Our hope is that you can find the current and accurate information you need whether you are an elder, deacon, provisional member, local pastor, candidate in ministry or lay person. Please feel free to contact us if you are unable to find what you need.
Rev. Geoff Helton
Board of Ordained Ministry Chair
If you have general questions about the Board of Ordained Ministry’s work or are unsure who to contact, contact Stephanie Franklin, BOM Administrator.
BOM Menu
BOM Contact Information
Board of Ordained Ministry
Ministry Candidates, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity
Steps into Licensed and Ordained Ministry
Licensed Local Pastor Resources
Ordination Process Resources
Seminary Scholarships
Resources for Clergy Members
Transfer Policy
Helping Professionals Directory