S.L.A.M. Trip – Week One
July 6 - July 10

Looking for a summer service experience for your youth? The Greater Northwest Area has a collaborative trip for youth groups that partners with SLAM Trips (Students Learning About Mission) on the Yakama Reservation in Central Washington. This de-colonized mission trip is native-led and focuses on a balance of relationship growing, learning, and service with Yakama elders and community members.
The Greater Northwest Area has coordinators to assist groups with pre-trip work, collaborating and growing as an area, and assisting with extra funding throughout this process. Their goal is to equip students and leaders in the GNW through cultural learning, telling the truth of the Methodist Church’s impact as missionaries in the Greater Northwest Area, and growing in relationship with our native siblings.
For more information or signup to go with the Greater Northwest Area groups on July 6-10 or July 20-25, go to the Greater Northwest Area’s Page or reach out to any of the GNW Coordinators:
- Rev. Drew Hogan (OR-ID Representative – PastorDrewHogan@gmail.com )
- Rev. Sheila Miranda (PNW Representative – SMiranda@pnwumc.org)
- Rev. Murray Crookes (AK Representative – Munrahcito@gmail.com)