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Western Jurisdiction and General Agency Nomination Form

One of the tasks of the Western Jurisdiction Conference, when it meets this July in Spokane, is to select lay and clergy persons to represent the jurisdiction as directors of the general church agencies, like the General Board of Global Ministries or General Commission on the Status and Role of Women. They also will select persons to serve in leadership positions in the Western Jurisdiction (WJ), like the WJ Council on Finance and Administration.

To complete this task, we need your help to create the ‘pool’ of persons to be presented to the WJ Nominating Committee. Are you interested in serving, or might you encourage someone to consider serving?

Click this link or the button below to access the form and self-nominate. Please consider whether God is calling you for this purpose. Nomination forms are due on May 31, 2024.

The Pacific Northwest Conference will consider the ‘pool’ when it meets in June. The WJ Conference will draw from the pools of all conferences in the WJ to fill the positions available. Thanks for considering this opportunity.

Patrick Scriven

Patrick Scriven serves as Director of Communications for the Pacific Northwest Conference of The United Methodist Church.

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