PNW Wildfires: Donate Now!
The past two summers presented us with some of the most devastating wildfire seasons experienced in the Pacific Northwest. Each was filled with both personal tragedies and significant property loss. Our continued prayers are very important; so are our actions.
Click here for the latest updates from our Disaster Response team.
We now have an opportunity to contribute to efforts to rebuild North Central Washington both through our physical labor and generous financial support. We are optimistic that faith-based organizations will once again partner to get the job done!
You can make a donation to our PNW Conference’s Disaster Fund (Advance #352) through your local church or by sending a check to:
Pacific Northwest Conference Office
C/O Conference Treasurer
P.O. Box 13650
Des Moines, WA 98198
with Conference Advance #352 on the memo line.
You can also donate funds online by clicking here.*
Gifts given to the Disaster Fund are coupled with the hard and generous work of United Methodist volunteers to respond to need that arises across the conference. Our volunteer efforts are intentionally collaborative so we can have the best opportunity to continue making a difference long after the news cameras move on to the next story.
Finally, please do not send donations in kind to the area unless an official request is made for specific items. Donations management is often called the second disaster because the donations are not needed, are inappropriate, or just plain junk.
*Online donations, while convenient, do incur a transaction cost of 2.2% + $0.30 per transaction so please use other methods when possible.