Crest to Coast

Crest To Coast Missional District News

Shortly after attending Mission u, our Crest to Coast Team got to work on our fall Annual District Meeting. Earlier, we had searched for places to meet that would work better for our northern members. Sue Raymond, our Spiritual Growth officer for Crest to Coast, suggested we try something new and have it at Tacoma Community House in the north part of our District. Since she is on their board, she knows the folks there and the wonderful work they do. She contacted Lisa Hamlin and worked with her to set things up. She was also very instrumental in planning the program. Thank you so much, Sue, for making this all happen!

Aimee Khuu, Executive Director of Tacoma Community House, ( was our featured speaker. She did a wonderful job of outlining the work they do for immigrants, refugees, and homeless youth in the Tacoma area seeking enrichment and pathways to self-sufficiency.

They have been one of our National Mission Centers, partnering with United Methodist Women, and now United Women in Faith, for over 110 years. They have helped countless individuals gain the skills they need to transition out of poverty, navigate a new culture, and find personal and professional success. She then led us on a tour of the facility, which has been rebuilt and has so much more space and rooms to offer classes. We learned so much, what a great facility! And Aimee is such a great, high-energy person. Thank you, Aimee, for your time!

Larea Greer from Puyallup UMC and her Unit provided the delicious food for the day. A lot of Love and effort was put into making such wonderful dishes, as well as the time it took to set up, serve, and clean up—a big thank you to those ladies for doing that. Everyone greatly appreciated it, as some had come a long way to attend. We also included a business meeting and installed our returning officers for another year. Thank you to Deb Avery for our installation and dedication. We love having her in our district. I really appreciate my officers for all their work and presentations too. It is really a team effort, and with a smaller team, there is more to do.

I believe our goal to be more inclusive with our members in the north was a success, and I hope there will be more events in the future where we can include other members of our District. Centralia UMC will host a retreat on October 12. We are also planning other spiritual retreats at various churches in the Crest to Coast District next year to keep this going and Inspire, Influence, and Impact our mission for women, children, and youth.

Bev Thomas, President
Crest to Coast Missional District

Here are some photos from our recent Crest to Coast United Women in Faith Annual Gathering. What a transformative experience gathering at the site of one of our National Mission Institutions, Tacoma Community House, started by Methodist Deaconesses over 100 years ago! This resource would not be able to serve without our Mission Giving to United Women in Faith

The Executive Team of Crest to Coast United Women in Faith is offering “How Is It with Your Soul” retreats at any church around our District for all women who want to attend. These are being planned for 9 to noon or 10 to 2.

Information about past, present, and future retreats is below.

Centralia, Saturday, October 12 “For Such a Time as This”

This Soul Retreat was planned by Sue Raymond from Crest to Coast Missional District in coordination with Pastor Vangie Rand from Centralia and Rochester UMCs. 20 people were in attendance. Centralia UMC provided coffee and snacks; everyone brought their own sack lunch.

Sue had a welcome skit and icebreaker, then dressed as Esther, she presented a Jewish Midrash. She told her story with a little ad-lib to clarify and emphasize it. (Midrashes were frequently used to tell biblical stories when many didn’t know how to read.) After lunch, there were crafts available and time to meet others from Elma, Rochester, McCleary, Olympia, Centralia, Chehalis, and Vancouver.

United Women in Faith Vancouver Heights UMC Saturday, December 7,
10 to noon

Soul Care Retreat. There will be light breakfast items to start as we build community. Worship, reflection, crafts, and journaling will follow this. We may even try some chair yoga and an opportunity to learn about and walk our community labyrinth- weather permitting. 

Grays River UMC
(3624 Hwy 4 West. 98621) Monday, February 10, 10 to 2

Soul Care Retreat is a time of Bible study, crafts, and soul-enriching activities, including a midrash. RSVP

Possible Themes:

  • Martha and Mary: Retreat will focus on the different gifts and talents we bring to our faith lives.
  • For Such a Time as This: Retreat will focus on discovering the gifts we have been given to use at a specific time to meet specific needs
  • Lessons Learned for Ladies Present in the Parables: Retreat will focus on the three parables that Jesus used that had women characters

To reserve a “How Is It with Your Soul” retreat at your Crest to Coast church, please contact
Joan Hackett, Membership Nurture and Outreach Coordinator, or Sue Raymond, Coordinator for Spiritual Growth.

Joan Hackett, Membership Nurture and Outreach Coordinator
Crest to Coast Missional District

2024-2025 Officers

President- Bev Thomas
Vice President: OPEN
Secretary: OPEN
Treasurer: Eileen Costuck
Communications Coordinator: Lyn Milner
Education & Interpretation: Sheree Fitzpatrick
Membership Nurture & Outreach: Joan Hackett
Program Resources: Lyn Milner
Social Action: OPEN
Spiritual Growth: Sue Raymond
Chair, Committee on Nominations: OPEN
Committee on Nominations Members: Gail Antijunti

Standing Rules 2018


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