Mission Today

The purpose of the Mission Today criteria serve to energize United Women in Faith to be more involved in mission through prayer, study, and action:

  • Increase contacts between units and mission personnel and mission projects so that United Women in Faith understand what their money is supporting around the world.
  • Encourage use of mission resources through United Women in Faith.
  • Expand concepts of mission to include social justice as mission.

Mission Today Unit Requirements

Below you can find a button for the form. Set a goal early on, and check the boxes inside the brochure as you complete each item! The complete list is on the reverse side.

  • Gold Unit: complete at least 12 of the criteria, 6 of which must be marked with a star
  • Silver Unit: complete at least 6 of the criteria, 3 of which must be marked with a star

(Units that have under 15 members use half of the numbers mentioned above in all categories) The recording period to become a Mission Today Unit is from September through August. Please complete the form on the reverse side and send it to your District Mission Coordinator for Education & Interpretation or a designated person by August 15. 

Faith • Hope • Love in Action