Vice President’s Corner

For such a time as this & if not now, when?

I’ve seen great change since I was installed as your conference vice president.  While I’m still working on my national director responsibilities until July, my responsibilities as VP include program planning. Leadership Development Days, or LDD, was the first event of 2024, and my official duties began. Pacific Northwest United Women in Faith had a very successful training weekend, and most of our conference and district officers attended. Coming from the National office, I know how important each of our officer positions are who form our leadership teams. Be the best that you can be, learn what you are responsible for, and be diligent. God will help you with the rest. Our time is now. Have you thought about trying an office? If you say yes, know you will be mentored and receive your job description. We are waiting for you to join our team.

Respectfully submitted,

Stell Wallace
National Board of Directors
Pacific Northwest Conference
Seven Rivers District
Ellensburg UMC

Faith • Hope • Love in Action