Judy Dirks Received the 2024 Racial Justice Award from the Conference

Judy Dirks has a demonstrated commitment to Racial Justice. She was chair of the Conference Church and Society Board from 2004 to 2012 and remained on the board representing the Inland Missional District. She has compiled a list of social action advocates for all the churches in her district and regularly communicates with them with alerts for local, state, and national legislative action. In addition, she regularly attends school board and other government meetings to promote justice.
She has repeatedly served district offices for Inland United Women in Faith and is retiring as president.
Ja net’ W. Crouse,
Social Action
Who Should Receive the United Women in Faith PNW Conference Racial Justice Award for 2025?
Each year, the United Women in Faith PNW Conference honors someone with the Racial Justice Award. Whom will you nominate from your district? Downloadable instructions
The Committee on the Charter for Racial Justice of the United Women in Faith PNW Conference seeks nominees for the annual Racial Justice Award to be presented at the October United Women in Faith PNW Conference Annual Gathering.
Criteria are as follows:
- Exemplifies the implementation (We Will section) of the Charter for Racial Justice
uwfaith.org/what-we-do/serve-and-advocate/racial-justice/ - They may be an individual United Women in Faith member, a local unit, a district, or an individual or group from outside United Women in Faith.
- The activity may be a one-time or ongoing event but must have occurred within the last year.
Format for nomination:
- Name, address, phone number, and/or e-mail of Nominee(s).
- Name of Activity or Event.
- One or two paragraphs summarizing the individual or group activity and how it relates to the Charter for Racial Justice.
- Your name, address, phone number, and/or e-mail address.
- Deadline to be returned to Deb Avery or Ja net Crouse by October 1, 2024
- The nomination may either be mailed or e-mailed.
Selection of award recipient
- Selection will be made by Racial Justice Committee at their annual gathering.
- This is an excellent opportunity to recognize persons who fulfill our Purpose and our Mission Today Charter for Racial Justice component in a significant way.
- Questions may be directed to Deb Avery or Ja net’ Crouse.