By the Rev. Jon Short | Pastor, Vancouver First UMC
Many folks may be familiar with the standardized test that has been developed to assess one’s capacity to process information where the results are summarized in a number. This number has come to be referred to as one’s IQ, shorthand for Intelligence Quotient.

But what is HQ? (Hint: It is not a reference to Headquarters)
HQ, in the way I am using it, is referring to one’s Hospitality Quotient.
While there is no standardized test to assess one’s capacity for hospitality and therefore no results that can be quantified by a number, I believe there are folks that have a higher inclination toward being hospitable than others. However, this is not to say that those who are less inclined toward hospitality can’t improve their HQ. Unlike one’s IQ, which tends to be fairly static, HQ can be increased by improving awareness of ways to offer greater hospitality. It just takes intentional effort.
HQ is particularly important for people in faith communities who are seeking to provide a warm and welcoming experience for any guest who visits. While Vancouver First has a WOW (Welcome Others Warmly) Team of volunteers who seek to do this each week for the church — hospitality is something each congregation member should be attentive to in order to offer the most welcoming experience.
I have never been part of a church that didn’t believe the congregation was warm and welcoming, but I have visited some churches where I did not feel warmly welcomed.
I have never been part of a church that didn’t believe the congregation was warm and welcoming, but I have visited some churches where I did not feel warmly welcomed. I suspect this was simply because folks were not aware of some simple hospitality tips that would increase their HQ.
As a start for improving our HQ, I have listed some of these simple tips to keep in mind as we attend church. If you are already doing some of these things – wonderful! But perhaps you will see some things you had not yet thought of doing.
- For those who do not have mobility issues, consider parking further from the front door in order to leave the closer spaces for guests.
- Sit closer to the front of the sanctuary so that the back pews are available for guests who might be arriving late.
- After worship, seek out someone you don’t know to speak with before you chat with your friends. Ask “how long have you been attending FUMC?” to avoid potential embarrassment with greeting a long time member.
- If someone is sitting alone in church ask if it is OK to sit next to them. (Hint: This is better done with same gender to minimize any creepy factor).
- Invite new folks to share a cup of coffee with you after service and introduce them to other church folks.
- Move to the middle of the pew to sit, allowing others to fill in without having to climb over you.
- If you find someone sitting in your “usual” spot, be gracious and find a “new” spot.
- While we have a great custodial staff, if you find a messy situation please help to clean it up. Clean facilities indicate to newcomers that we care about our church.
These are just a few ideas, I’m sure you can think of others. As we all attend to hospitality we will offer the best welcome we can provide.
May we all be intentional about improving our HQ!