Kevin Froese, on deck at left, of Mennonite Disaster Service, speaks during the Aug. 23 dedication of the first of 11 houses to be completed by ecumenical volunteers after last year’s Carlton Complex Fire in Washington. The house was framed by the Amish from Montana, the MDS and United Methodists finished the interior. Photos by Jim Truitt, caption courtesy of Linda Bloom, UMNS.

Volunteer teams needed for Carlton Complex rebuild
By Jim Truitt

I received a call from Kevin Froese, Coordinator for the Mennonite Disaster Service in the Carlton Complex. They have committed to closing-in on the last four houses for the Phase I rebuilding of homes damaged or lost during last year’s wildfires. Their team arrived on October 17 and they are short workers.

We’ve been asked by Froese for some extra volunteers to flesh-out their teams. They particularly need them for the last two weeks in October and the first two weeks in November. Volunteers with construction skills; i.e. framing, siding, roofing, hanging doors and windows, etc. are highly needed.

Do you or someone you know have the skills and experience we need to support those affected by Washington wildfires?

Contact me, Jim Truitt, at for further details. Please follow “PNW UMVIM” on Facebook to view the progress on this area and for updates on disaster response within the Conference.

Jim Truitt serves as a co-coordinator for UMVIM and a leader for Early Response Teams.

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