Rev. Cruz Edwin Santos appointed as Director of Hispanic/Latinx Ministries for the PNW Conference


Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky has appointed the Rev. Cruz Edwin Santos as Hispanic/Latinx Ministries Coordinator for the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference beginning July 1, 2019.

Rev. Lyda Pierce, who previously served in this role, retired in June.

In this position, Rev. Santos will work collaboratively in developing and implementing a fresh approach to Hispanic and Latinx Ministries across the Pacific Northwest. Over time, it is expected that he would become a trusted voice and liaison to other such ministries in the Greater Northwest Area and across the United Methodist Connection.

“We are excited by the pastoral gifts and experience that Rev. Santos clearly brings to this position,” offered the Rev. David Valera, who will supervise his work as Executive Director of Connectional Ministries. “Our search team was equally impressed with his ability to listen deeply as he answered our questions, a talent so valuable in ministry with others.”

Rev. Santos is an ordained elder from the Florida Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. He holds a number of professional certifications in coaching, counseling, and graphic design. Additionally, he has received training in Module 1-2 of the National Plan for Hispanic Ministries (UMC) and Clinical Pastoral Education.

Previously, Rev. Santos served as Director of Hispanic/Latino Ministries for the General Board of Discipleship (2006-2009) and the Florida Conference (2001-2005). While serving the latter, he was an instrumental part of the growth of its Hispanic/Latino Ministries with the number of Hispanic/Latino missions and churches doubling during his time there. In addition to this work, Santos has pastored a number of United Methodist churches in Florida, Illinois, and Puerto Rico and most recently served as chaplain for VITAS Healthcare of Central Florida.

Upon invitation, Rev. Santos offered the following words of greeting:

Greetings, my brothers and sisters in faith!

My name is Cruz Edwin Santos and beginning on July 1st, 2019 I will become the Director of Hispanic/Latinx Ministries for the Pacific Northwest Conference. I want to say “thank you” to our Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky, her cabinet, and to Rev. David Valera for the confidence they have placed in me in selecting me to do this task, which is so important for our whole conference.

I want to say to all of you, clergy and laity, I am very committed to this call that God has placed on me, and I ask for your help through your prayers and your good advice so that the work that we will do together will be a great blessing for our beloved UMC.

As a leader, I am a collaborative person that enjoys working with others as a team member. I have a strong commitment towards our goals, and vision that is always focused on excellence. Discovering new ways of reaching the Hispanic/Latinx population will be an important part of my work to create Vital and Contextual Hispanic/Latinx Churches.

Many blessings to all of you!


Rev. Cruz Edwin Santos

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