It looks like we may have won a major victory when the Judicial Council ruled Plan UMC unconstitutional. Basically, the judicial council ruled that the General Conference cannot assign away the program and financial priorities of the church to another body. Sooo…  we are back to the basic structure found in the 2008 Discipline. Our southern friends reached a little too far in the power grab.

Even with this setback for our friends, they are still of a very different mind and heart when it comes to the the issues I care about. I still say…. let us put our shoulders to the plow and plant the seeds for renewal in the PNW.  Let the General Conference do what it wants.

Dinner time… Later


p.s. You can read the ruling HERE.

Rev. Craig Parrish is the Conference Treasurer for the Pacific Northwest Conference and head of the PNW delegation to Tampa, Florida for General Conference 2012.

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