The Rev. Adam Hamilton reading his amendment on the floor of General Conference on May 3, 2012.

Today I had to go the whole day without knowing what was going on at Conference.  I finished work at 4pm and went to a musical rehearsal (come to the Lincoln High production of Animal Farm next week!) and then had a doctor’s appointment, so I didn’t get home until 8:30 at night!  I’m now listening to the youtube video from this morning’s proceedings while I write.

I don’t know what to say.  I really don’t.  What hurts me most isn’t that the issue failed.  I kind of expected it.

But a few things that have struck me.

1.  Many pastors spoke against Adam Hamilton’s amendment and their reasoning was that churches that were, I guess I’ll say less-than-reconciling, are doing just fine so we don’t need to change any wording.  Really?  Do you really think we are asking for a change because we’re worried about getting butts in the pews?  We could have a church with 10,000 members, but if there are still people who are outcasts we are not doing our mission.  This isn’t about numbers; it’s about loving people.

Loving people.  That seems so easy.  But as I’m listening I am missing the love.

2.  That which divides us is far deeper than I ever thought.  Our denomination is so vastly different, that with this huge issue I am surprised we wouldn’t agree to disagree.  Now this wouldn’t work for everything, but with something that we have argued about for so long, I just don’t understand.

I am frustrated.  I am angry.  Why stay in a church with which I disagree?  I really just don’t have an answer.  Maybe that’s how many young people feel?

Photo Credit: Taken by Patrick Scriven


  1. Dana,

    Thanks for your thoughts. I would encourage you to stay because it will be easier to bring change from within then if we are out of the UMC. In other words… DON’T LEAVE ME HERE. I need my friends… we need each other. We need to keep loving even though that seems to be going against the grain of the greater church.

  2. Let us pray for our church. We need to stay in the church to continue for what is right. This is our heritage…..this is our call!

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