Project Transformation is Changing Lives


By Rev. Rachel Neer 

I was on site today when a child fell during an activity and broke her glasses. One of her classmates, a classmate who has required extra guidance when it’s time to connect with others since we started program, was in her small group.

He stood beside her, asked her how she was, and connected with her pain. He told his interns that he didn’t want to go sit down for lunch because his friend was hurt – he has a new friend now, don’t you know – and you don’t just leave friends who are hurt to be by themselves, no matter how many adults are around. “I’m her friend and she is hurt. I want to make sure she can feel better and she has a friend with her,” he said.

My heart melted to watch this connection. To see a child who has struggled to connect make a connection on such a deep level was a beautiful moment, and one that Site Coordinator Becca Brazell and I were fortunate to bear witness to.

Project Transformation is changing children. It is building incredible relationships. It is shifting our idea of what it means to be a child from a difficult place – we are here, in this place, watching hearts soften and relationships transform community.

Kindness matters.
Love matters.
Empathy matters.

And we are teaching all of them here, one day at a time, one relationship at a time, in the midst of the difficult places and the broken glasses and the tears.

Rachel Neer serves as Executive Director for Project Transformation: Pacific Northwest engaging young adults in purposeful leadership and ministry, supporting children in holistic development, and connecting churches with communities. Click here to learn more.

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