One Great Hour of Sharing!
[One of the 5 Columns of Mission]
By Joan Hackett | Photos by Skylar Bihl and Jesse N. Love
For more than 50 years, United Methodist congregations have been taking part in a special One Great Hour of Sharing offering, laying the foundation for UMCOR’s ministry of relief and hope. Donations UMCOR receives through this offering, along with other undesignated gifts made throughout the year, cover our costs of doing business. Gifts like yours make it possible for UMCOR to use 100% of all other contributions on the projects our donors specify, instead of on administrative or fundraising costs.
UMCOR does not receive United Methodist World Service or apportionment funds, so without your offerings, UMCOR would not exist. Because we keep operating costs under 10% of our total budget, undesignated gifts may actually exceed UMCOR’s administrative needs. When that happens, your support is channeled to under-funded programs, where they’re most needed.
They also may be used to allow UMCOR to respond to disasters immediately after an event and before funds can be raised. Most congregations celebrate One Great Hour of Sharing on the fourth Sunday of Lent – March 6, 2016. If this conflicts with other events, local churches are encouraged to choose other dates that work for them. Resources such as bulletin inserts, posters, and more are available at
Because of your donation on March 6th, we’re ready to respond in times of crisis. However the PNW Conference Treasurer is happy to receive monies any time of year. This year, encourage your church to complete 5 Columns of Mission and be counted among the 121 churches that gave $69,762.38 in 2014 (2015 figures not yet available).
Your gifts can be sent to the PNW Conference Treasurer’s Office: P.O. Box 13650, Des Moines, WA 98198