By Janann Roodzant | Oak Harbor United Methodist Church
The date of Oak Harbor United Methodist Church’s 125th Anniversary as an established church was in 2016. However, with the upcoming assignment of a new pastor, Rev. David Parker, we decided to celebrate this event with him on March 12 of this year, 2017. As a church we studied Adam Hamilton’s book Revival with intentional focus on our Methodist roots and Wesley’s challenges for individual spiritual growth and direction for the outreach of the church.
Our history on Whidbey Island shows that we were already connected to Methodism through our first settlers, who arrived in 1851—when there was no bridge! Methodist Circuit Riders came via canoe, and held prayer services here in 1853. For 38 years, Methodists met in homes and an early school. In 1891 we became an official incorporated organization with a church!
The history was presented to the congregation through a series of slide shows. A floor-to-ceiling display was assembled on the walls of our Fellowship Hall. It captures the 125 years of sustained ministry through challenges of sudden growth, changing community needs, and a devastating fire. Consistent faithfulness to God’s work by inspired leaders and our brothers and sisters in Christ was shown in activities of on-going love for our community, for one another, for our country and the military families in our midst. We celebrated the ministers and missionaries, both lay and clergy, that were nurtured in our midst.
Our celebration theme brought into focus the old original bell purchased by our youth group in 1891. This bell has continuously been calling us to worship for 125 years. The Oak Harbor community was alerted that the bell would be ringing for 125 times by young—and older—volunteers calling us to celebrate this milestone as we moved from the sanctuary to Centennial Hall for the celebration. Festive tables were set and ready for wonderful food that was served by our youth and others to all who came.
Our special guests included our former Pastors and their families: David and Colleen Lura, Dave, Mary and Katie Johnson, Vonna and Gary Thomas, and District Superintendent Daniel Foster and his wife Anita, in addition to a recorded video and letter of greetings from our Conference Bishop Elaine Stanovsky. We enjoyed the live background music from one of our congregants, and our humorous emcee added to the warm and entertaining experience!
The work of those who went before us, and our celebration, have inspired us to carry on with a renewed purpose of “Loving God, Serving Others and Changing Our World!”