Lewis Center for Church Leadership and Wesley Theological Seminary Offer Free Clergy Personal Finance Resources


WASHINGTON, DC – The Lewis Center for Church Leadership and Wesley Theological Seminary have gathered free resources to help pastors better understand and manage their personal finances. The resources are available at https://www.churchleadership.com/clergyfinances.

“A basic responsibility as Christian stewards is to manage personal financial resources so that we can care for ourselves and our families and marshal the resources needed to respond to God’s call to generous giving,” says Lewis Center Director Lovett H. Weems, Jr. “This is especially true for clergy who are expected to teach and model faithful stewardship within our congregations. Mastering personal finances is both a personal and a pastoral responsibility.” The free resources offered can help clergy better meet these responsibilities.

Clergy Personal Finance Resources topics: Why Clergy Personal Finances Matter; Personal Finances and Budgeting; Debt; Compensation and Taxes; Insurance; Investing; and Estate Planning.


The Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary is a resource for clergy, lay, and denominational leaders. Through resources, research, and teaching, the Center supports visionary spiritual leaders in addressing issues crucial to the church’s faithful and fruitful witness.

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