Is it easy being GREEN at Annual Conference?


By the Rev. Jenny Phillips

It can be hard to make creation-friendly choices when you’re attending Annual Conference, because the big creation care decisions were made long before you arrived. The infrastructure of the event makes all the difference in the ease with which participants can make good choices. (Actually, it’s the same way at home—for example, people with access to easy, pleasant, affordable public transportation use it more than those who don’t.)

So please, pay attention to the things that make it easy or hard to be green at annual conference and note them on your evaluation. Here are some things to watch for:

• Was it easy to download the pre-conference handbook, saving paper?
• Are recycling and composting stations clearly marked and easy to access?
• Can you find a place to refill your water bottle?
• Do meals include good low/no meat options?
• What else can be done to make it easy for you to be green?

Pay attention to these details at Annual Conference and share your experiences on your evaluation. Then bring these questions back to your church and consider how you can improve your facility and events. Good infrastructure makes it so much easier for everyone to be green!

The Rev. Jenny Phillips serves as the Minister of Environmental Stewardship and Advocacy for The PNWUMC.


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