Construction progresses on new dining hall at Lazy F, great time to get involved


TRANSCRIPT – DOWNLOAD this video on Vimeo

Come on! We’re going over the bridge here at Lazy F and we’re going to go up to the building site.

On our left is the current dining hall, over to the right is Ridgeview, and right where that big dirt pile is, that’s where the plaza is going to be. It’s going to be about the same size as what the building is going to be. So, it’s going to be about 6,000 square feet, its going to have a great view of the ridge line and the cross; its going to have a view of the creek. There’ll be a gas fireplace, some plantings, some steps and some benches where people can be. So, about 6000 square feet, it’s going to be a great setting, a great place for people to gather outside.

Obviously its winter here, its been cold but things are still progressing here. We are in an opening for one of the five garage doors, restaurant garage doors. There is going to be five of them that face the north and the ridge line.

The forms are right here, the rebar is in place, there’s some coils that are here. There’s a setup that we have that’s a diesel fired heater and there’s some tubes that go all around where the forms are. We’re getting ready to pour the concrete in the next couple of weeks, the forms will be done, I’ve been told from the general contractors that they can pour concrete when its zero degrees, they just put some additive into the concrete.

Our goal is to have this poured, to have all the stem walls up, so then the ceiling will be on, the roof will be on. And then the walls will be also up so they can keep working during the middle of the wintertime.

At this point our gap is just under $200,000 to reach our goal of $1.75 million. So we ask for your involvement, however you may do it, we appreciate your support. It could be cash, credit card, check, auto-pay, whatever it is, a one-time gift or a pledge over time.

We’re almost there! You can see that we’re making great progress. We need to bring this thing home and we deeply appreciate how you have been involved in the past. Or if you’re thinking about of being involved for the first time, now is the time to jump on board because this thing is happening.

Thanks again for your help and Merry Christmas!

Lazy F was able to begin construction thanks to support of volunteers and the generous donations to A Place at the Table Campaign from people like you. They have raised $1.4 million dollars toward a fundraising goal of $1.75 million. You can learn more about the campaign, and how you can participate at:

Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center is one of four United Methodist camps in The Pacific Northwest Conference. Together, their mission is to be sanctuaries of Christian hospitality, renewal and learning within God’s natural world. Sanctuaries that celebrate diversity, inspire love and service, and fulfill our special partnership with local churches in nurturing disciples and spiritual leaders.”

This report was e-filmed and edited by the Rev. David Valera who serves as Director of Connectional Ministries for the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference.


  1. How exciting to see the new building go up and accommodate larger groups. It has been decided to re-brand the Older Adult Camp in September. I am looking forward to it and hope you and others will decide to participate. It will now be called OLDER ADULTS RETREAT and the date in 2018 is September 18-20. See you there.

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