Okanogan Rebuild help needed, ERTs needed in Texas

Help needed for Okanogan Rebuild: Up From the Ashes By Ronda Cordill Each day as we watch the news, we see pictures of all of the...

Up from the Ashes: Funding achieved for the FINAL phase of recovery

By Gerri Harvill, Stan Norman, and Jim Truitt Photos by PNW UMVIM, et. al. "Thanks to generous donations and strong partnerships, funding for the final phase...

Wildfire Update: Pastors provide spiritual support for evacuees, responders

"Unless you have a real reason to go into the area, please stay away. The air quality is unhealthy and there are an unusually...

How have ERTs fulfilled its mission of service in 2017?

By Kathy Bryson For the PNW Early Response Team program, 2017 was a year kaf firsts. We hosted our first annual weekend “Spring Training” at...

Wildfire Update: 180 homes burned, financial support needed

An air tanker plane dropping fire retardant over the advancing Chelan Butte wildfire (part of the Chelan Complex fire) in Chelan, Wash. Photo courtesy...

Early Response Teams are Getting Ready – Join Us!

By Kathy Bryson I just received a news article predicting that the upcoming hurricane season will again be busy. The forecast made me reflect on...

Rebuild: Up From the Ashes | We Need You!

(Left) Rosalee Mohney leaders a discussion during November's Laity Immersion experience in Okanogan County.  (Right) A junk pile of rusty, metal rest in between...

2017 Conference offers two ways to help UMCOR

By Ronda Cordill Way 1. Bringing Kits to Annual Conference Beginning on Wednesday, June 14 there will be a donation station in front of the Red...

Funding Ministries and Mission Outreach 2017

What are Conference budgets? How can I support mission? What resources are available from The PNW Conference that can help our church treasurers? Download...

UMCOR Disaster Case Management Training Returns to the Northwest

Stanley Norman and Gerri Harvill serve as Co-Pastors of Sandpoint United Methodist Church (Idaho) and as Disaster Response Coordinators (UMCOR) for The Pacific Northwest...