The United Methodist Church Giving App Rebranded and Now Available for Android and iOS...

Nashville, TN – The General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA), working in partnership with Vanco Payment Solutions has developed and improved the convenient...

Seattle Minimum Wage Ordinance

By Brant Henshaw | Treasurer and Director of Administrative Services A lot of publicity was generated when Seattle adopted a “living wage” minimum wage ordinance this...

Twenty-Seven Annual Conferences Give 100% of Their 2016 General Church Apportionments

Nashville, TN – The General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA), working with the 56 annual conferences in the United States, reports that twenty-seven...

How We Can Do More for Less

Apportioned giving is one of the most misunderstood things in United Methodism. Sometimes maligned as taxes funding a shadowy bureaucracy, they are more appropriately...

Changes to Clergy Moving Expenses

Bruce Galvin, Pensions and Health Benefits Officer for the PNW Conference, has some important information for clergy (and churches) experiencing a pastoral transition in 2018. The recently passed 'Tax Cuts and Jobs Act' brings bad news, a repeal of the tax exclusion for moving expenses clergy have long enjoyed.

How Churches Spend their Money

By Brant Henshaw | Treasurer and Director of Administrative Services Local church volunteers often call and ask how their spending “fits” in with the average church...

Surcharge coming for PNW churches who fail to use Background Check credit

By Teri Tobey | Program Associate for Young People's Ministries Your church received an advance premium credit as an incentive to complete background checks on staff...

Embracing a Season of Fruitfulness at the Summit

Attendees of the quadrennial Leadership Summit close worship in prayer before beginning workshops. This year, the summit was held at Vancouver: First UMC. The Leadership...

Welcome Rik Jamieson, Assistant Treasurer for the PNWUMC!

Rik Jamieson is the new assistant treasurer and comptroller for the Pacific Northwest Conference. He graduated from State University of New York at Buffalo...

EXTRA! EXTRA! – Read all about it! New Federal Laws to Impact Overtime Pay

By Rik Jamieson | Assistant PNW Conference Treasurer The Department of Labor (DOL) recently announced its changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) “white collar” overtime...