Greater NW churches respond to GC with messages of love, apology and inclusion

When the Traditional Plan passed at General Conference, local churches across the Greater Northwest Area raced to counter to a message sent that was out of sync with the ministry they understand God calling them toward. Kristen Caldwell shares how a number of church leaders responded.

A Message to those in Ministry with Young People during the Coronavirus Outbreak

By Teri Tobey *Weekly Meeting time changed to 11AM 4/1/2020In a matter of weeks, what an average week of ministry and life for many of...

Taming the Bear: Fight, flight, or freeze

The three instinctual responses to conflict: fight, flight, and freeze, are hard wired in us. Project Transformation: PNW director Rev. Rachel Neer was reminded of this fact as she participated in a recent Poverty Immersion. The opportunity also gave her new insight into the daily threat of poverty to families and the importance of the kinds of support they offer to children.

Wildfires: Hope is a bright pink wall

Learn how you can be an important part of the rebuild effort in areas affected by Washington wildfires:  Hope is a bright pink wall By...

Letters for Jamaa Letu

Letters for Jamaa Letu By Barbara Dadd Shaffer After years of saying it was not possible to send letters to the children of our Jamaa Letu...

Have No Fear! The Green Shirts Are Here!

Five Early Response Teams from across the Western Jurisdiction join up to help North Carolina residents recover from Hurricane Florence.

What to expect when you’re expecting to be a General Conference delegate

The Pacific Northwest Conference is planning to elect its delegates for the 2020 United Methodist General Conferences during its Annual Conference at the Showplex Center in Puyallup on June 22-24, 2018. Rev. Mary Huycke provides this overview of what you are signing up for if elected to serve as a clergy or lay delegate.

Legislative Summary from The PNWAC Sessions 2015

The Pacific Northwest Annual Conference Sessions 2015 Legislative Summary Prepared by the Rev. Shirley DeLarme Much of our action was to make our preferences known to General...

Sponsor a resident of the Jamaa Letu Orphanages

Sponsor a resident of the Jamaa Letu Orphanages By Barbara Dadd Shaffer | Photos by Eric Sparkman In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, about 68...

Entertaining Angels

"I don’t think it’s right to mix politics and religion," said Dorene, "but maybe Jose was kind of like a prophet." June Darling eloquently shares how a unconventional attendee of the Cashmere United Methodist Church pushed the edges out to help others to grow just "a tidbit more patient."