Training on Social Principles offered in Federal Way as draft version of new principles...

United Methodists gathered at Federal Way United Methodist Church for a Social Principles Training Event last Saturday with the Rev. Dr. Clayton Childers from the General Board of Church and Society. Learn more about the event and an upcoming opportunity to attend a repeat training at Spokane Valley United Methodist Church on May 12th.

Entertaining Angels

"I don’t think it’s right to mix politics and religion," said Dorene, "but maybe Jose was kind of like a prophet." June Darling eloquently shares how a unconventional attendee of the Cashmere United Methodist Church pushed the edges out to help others to grow just "a tidbit more patient."

How have ERTs fulfilled its mission of service in 2017?

By Kathy Bryson For the PNW Early Response Team program, 2017 was a year kaf firsts. We hosted our first annual weekend “Spring Training” at...

PNW UMVIM: Preparing for storms in Washington & Oregon

Courtesy of WSDOT: "Rain will become heavy at times today across Western Washington in advance of a strengthening low pressure system approaching the region.  Steady...

Have No Fear! The Green Shirts Are Here!

Five Early Response Teams from across the Western Jurisdiction join up to help North Carolina residents recover from Hurricane Florence.

Project Transformation is a lot of things

By Rev. Rachel Neer  Time and time again I am asked to attend church meetings, school groups, and community events to share about Project Transformation. ...

Project Transformation is Changing Lives

By Rev. Rachel Neer  I was on site today when a child fell during an activity and broke her glasses. One of her classmates, a...

A Message to those in Ministry with Young People during the Coronavirus Outbreak

By Teri Tobey *Weekly Meeting time changed to 11AM 4/1/2020In a matter of weeks, what an average week of ministry and life for many of...

Volunteer Home Builders Bring Amazing Hope to Okanogan County!

By Cindy Haverkamp with Rosalee Mohney, Wildfires UMVIM Coordinator When volunteers first began responding for calls to rebuild homes in Okanogan County following the worst...

Another opportunity to have your gift matched for Lazy F Camp!

Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center director Dave Burfeind shares news of a new gift-matching opportunity in support of ongoing construction. An anonymous couple pledged to match all gifts received before April 15, 2019 up to $150K