Northwest United Methodist Foundation announces new associate directors

By Tom Wilson The Northwest United Methodist Foundation is pleased to announce the addition of two new staff persons: the Rev. David Nieda and Julia...

Rev. Cruz Edwin Santos appointed as Director of Hispanic/Latinx Ministries for the PNW Conference

Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky has appointed the Rev. Cruz Edwin Santos as Hispanic/Latinx Ministries Coordinator for the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference beginning July 1, 2019. Rev. Lyda Pierce, who...

Save the date – Mission u is July 13-16, 2018

Mission u: What about our money? By the Rev. Neal Christie | Photos by Jesse N. Love What are a few topics were you taught to avoid...

Religious Leaders: U.S., Canada need to negotiate, modernize Columbia River Treaty

Today 16 religious leaders sent a second request to President Obama and Prime Minister Harper to begin negotiations to modernize the Columbia River Treaty...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Alaska as Mission District of the PNW Conference

The decision by the Alaska Conference to pursue a new status as a 'mission district' of the PNW Conference raises some questions. We've developed this FAQ to try to answer some of them for folks in the PNW.

Embracing a Season of Fruitfulness at the Summit

Attendees of the quadrennial Leadership Summit close worship in prayer before beginning workshops. This year, the summit was held at Vancouver: First UMC. The Leadership...

Jar$ for Jamaa Letu 2018!!

This year's labels for the annual 'jar' fundraiser to support the orphanages of Jamaa Letu in Lubumbashi, in the Democratic Republic of Congo are now available. Directions are provided for local churches and individuals seeking to support this important, life-giving, ministry.

Greater NW Table Talks bring curiosity, hope to human sexuality discussion

Last weekend the first Table Talks were held in three locations across the Greater Northwest Area. These opportunities to engage the church’s current discussion of human sexuality and the work of the Commission on a Way Forward were largely appreciated, and well attended, according to reporting by Kristen Caldwell. More events are planned throughout the coming months.

Lazy Daze: Refresh and Reboot!

Lazy Daze: Refresh and Reboot! By Jesse N. Love Older adults from the PNW Conference enjoyed time apart to “Refresh and Reboot” during Lazy Daze --...

What makes a church a Church?

Size matters less than having a clear, faith-grounded, purpose according to Rev. Kathy Neary, Transitional Ministry Developer for the PNW Conference. Neary shares what she is seeing as she visits local churches around the conference.