Regional Media Center offers 20 percent holiday discount for memberships

Videos, audio, and printed materials are available at the Regional Media Center, a media lending library with items to help support your local church...

Follow the Shared OR-ID and PNW Annual Conference from Near or Far

Participate in #gnwac17 online and be a part of the conversation! A team of Oregon-Idaho and Pacific Northwest Conference staff and volunteers are working together this...

Ross takes Vital Church to the Local Church

Today the Oregon-Idaho Conference learned that the Rev. Stephan Ross, Director of the Vital Church Project in the Oregon-Idaho Conference, has accepted an appointment...

On Indigenous Peoples’ Day, 2018

A federal judge in Texas struck down the Indian Child Welfare Act a few short days before many communities, and several states, celebrated Indigenous Peoples’ Day this year. This confluence of events prompted some good questions and this reflection from Kristina Gonzalez, Director of Innovation for an Inclusive Church for the Greater Northwest Area of The United Methodist Church.

The Port Orchard Tornado Revisited

It's been 10 months since a rare EF 2 Tornado wreaked havoc in Port Orchard, Washington. Jim Truitt, Disaster Response Coordinator for the Greater NW Area, offers us a look back at the work that has been accomplished by numerous volunteers and intentional partnerships.

A letter from Bishop Stanovsky as the Council of Bishops offers its recommendation to...

How very good and pleasant it is   when kindred live together in unity! For there the Lord ordained his blessing,   life forevermore.        ...

Letters for Jamaa Letu

Letters for Jamaa Letu By Barbara Dadd Shaffer After years of saying it was not possible to send letters to the children of our Jamaa Letu...

Opening Worship: A Return to Joy and Fun

By Jesse N. Love with Scott Klepach, Jr. Photos by Aaron Pazan Call the Sabbath a delight. But call it something we need to take...

Training on Social Principles offered in Federal Way as draft version of new principles...

United Methodists gathered at Federal Way United Methodist Church for a Social Principles Training Event last Saturday with the Rev. Dr. Clayton Childers from the General Board of Church and Society. Learn more about the event and an upcoming opportunity to attend a repeat training at Spokane Valley United Methodist Church on May 12th.

Entertaining Angels

"I don’t think it’s right to mix politics and religion," said Dorene, "but maybe Jose was kind of like a prophet." June Darling eloquently shares how a unconventional attendee of the Cashmere United Methodist Church pushed the edges out to help others to grow just "a tidbit more patient."