How have ERTs fulfilled its mission of service in 2017?

By Kathy Bryson For the PNW Early Response Team program, 2017 was a year kaf firsts. We hosted our first annual weekend “Spring Training” at...

Another opportunity to have your gift matched for Lazy F Camp!

Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center director Dave Burfeind shares news of a new gift-matching opportunity in support of ongoing construction. An anonymous couple pledged to match all gifts received before April 15, 2019 up to $150K

Threshold Event offers warm hospitality, conversation, on a wet and windy day

By Patrick Scriven | Director of Communications, Young People’s Ministries On a wet and windy Sunday afternoon, 80+ clergy and laity were greeted with warm...

PNW UMVIM: Preparing for storms in Washington & Oregon

Courtesy of WSDOT: "Rain will become heavy at times today across Western Washington in advance of a strengthening low pressure system approaching the region.  Steady...

What do Benedictine monks and United Methodist clergy have in common?

By the Rev. Meredith Dodd | Pastor, Bear Creek United Methodist Church What do Benedictine monks and United Methodist clergy have in common? At first glance,...

This year’s Bishop’s Symposium is No Joke: A Rabbi, an Imam, a Pastor and Brian...

This year’s Bishop’s Symposium will focus on the need to develop our capacity for intercultural communication as we experience the possibilities of interfaith relationships. And there are three options for clergy and laity to participate.

On Indigenous Peoples’ Day, 2018

A federal judge in Texas struck down the Indian Child Welfare Act a few short days before many communities, and several states, celebrated Indigenous Peoples’ Day this year. This confluence of events prompted some good questions and this reflection from Kristina Gonzalez, Director of Innovation for an Inclusive Church for the Greater Northwest Area of The United Methodist Church.

Rev. Emma Donohew to Parkrose United Methodist Church

Bishop Grant Hagiya announces his intention to appoint the Rev. Emma Donohew as the Pastor of Parkrose United Methodist Church, Portland, OR, effective July...

Greater Northwest Area invited to Table Talks to discuss a Way Forward for the...

Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky is inviting United Methodists in the Alaska, Oregon-Idaho and Pacific Northwest Conferences to participate in Table Talk conversations on human...

What makes a church a Church?

Size matters less than having a clear, faith-grounded, purpose according to Rev. Kathy Neary, Transitional Ministry Developer for the PNW Conference. Neary shares what she is seeing as she visits local churches around the conference.