Is Your Church Weird Enough to Survive?

By Rev. Lowell Greathouse, Mission and Ministry Coordinator for the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference Recently I attended a book party for Paul Nixon and Beth Ann...

PNW UMVIM: Preparing for storms in Washington & Oregon

Courtesy of WSDOT: "Rain will become heavy at times today across Western Washington in advance of a strengthening low pressure system approaching the region.  Steady...

The First Step is Always the Hardest

By the Rev. Dr. William D. Gibson | Photos by Patrick Scriven and Teri Tobey View photos from this event. Seattle, Wash. - How do we...

Shower trailers will help VIM teams in the Greater Northwest

By Jim Truitt | Photos by members of PNW UMVIM, Early Response Teams, et. al. Finding lodging for Early Response Teams (ERT) and Volunteers in...

What moments in our lives remind us of our promise to serve?

By The Rev. Dr. Carmen Manalac-Scheuerman Commissioned as Global Missionary of the UMC Praise the Lord! After almost three years, returning with my family to Philippines serving...

Ross takes Vital Church to the Local Church

Today the Oregon-Idaho Conference learned that the Rev. Stephan Ross, Director of the Vital Church Project in the Oregon-Idaho Conference, has accepted an appointment...

General Conference 2016 Volunteers Needed!

Portland, Ore. is going to be hosting one of the most significant events in United Methodism next year. The 2016 General Conference, which is...

GNW Methodist Early Response Teams join in NC flood relief efforts

A few UMVIM Early Response Team members from Washington and Oregon visited North Carolina to help the clean-up of flood-damaged homes from November 9 to...