Tree of Life

"For those of you who never went to North Mason UMC in Belfair, the Tree of Life was the centering theme for the sanctuary and the spiritual life of the church." The Rev. Justin White shares this beautiful reflection on the closing of the church and the life it will "continue to birth."

Let’s Eat! St. John UMC Considers Sustainable Food Choices

Did you know that it was possible to make food choices that positively impact the planet? Last week, St. John UMC considered this question and others in an attempt to understand sustainable food issues.

Shower trailers will help VIM teams in the Greater Northwest

By Jim Truitt | Photos by members of PNW UMVIM, Early Response Teams, et. al. Finding lodging for Early Response Teams (ERT) and Volunteers in...

Religious Leaders: U.S., Canada need to negotiate, modernize Columbia River Treaty

Today 16 religious leaders sent a second request to President Obama and Prime Minister Harper to begin negotiations to modernize the Columbia River Treaty...

$75k matching grant offered to push Imagine No Malaria giving over the top

By Patrick Scriven & Julia Frisbie | Photo by Mike DuBose, UMNS April 21, 2016 | Des Moines, WA For the past three years, United Methodists in...

WJ Mission Cabinet endorses One Church Plan

"It is after much prayer, study and discernment that we share with you that we believe that the One Church Plan is the best way forward for the mission and ministry of The United Methodist Church." Members of the Western Jurisdiction's Mission Cabinet have endorsed the One Church Plan, noting their commitment to the full inclusion of LGBTQ persons in the church now, and a recognition of the need to create "generous space" for all to live faithfully their conscience as they follow Jesus.

Statement by Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon on the tragic murders on Portland’s MAX

Our hearts are broken by the tragic murder of two selfless individuals who lost their lives on May 26 as they courageously stood up...

Multiplying Ministries Pilot Program Launches

The Revs. William Gibson, Brad Beeman, Bishop Elaine Stanovsky, the Revs. DJ del Rosario and Molly Fraser were some of the clergy in attendance for...

Another opportunity to have your gift matched for Lazy F Camp!

Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center director Dave Burfeind shares news of a new gift-matching opportunity in support of ongoing construction. An anonymous couple pledged to match all gifts received before April 15, 2019 up to $150K

What moments in our lives remind us of our promise to serve?

By The Rev. Dr. Carmen Manalac-Scheuerman Commissioned as Global Missionary of the UMC Praise the Lord! After almost three years, returning with my family to Philippines serving...