Amen Report: Gender Inclusive Buildings

By Pastor Terri Stewart I have read all the petitions to Annual Conference for legislative action. And I have to say that there was one...

The Amen Report: Not One More

By the Rev. Jan Bolerjack • Photo by Jesse N. Love Not one more victim of gun violence in our communities. This is the rallying cry...

Coming to Pass #pnwac14

Coming to Pass: Bishop Leeland’s Message to our Ordained and Commissioned By Jesse N. Love On Saturday, Bishop Paul Leeland, resident bishop of the Alabama-West Florida...

Released to Remember

By Jane Brazell  • Photos by Pastor Terri Stewart Friday night’s memorial service was filled with remembering in order to move into the future. Riverton Park United Methodist...

Is it easy being GREEN at Annual Conference?

By the Rev. Jenny Phillips It can be hard to make creation-friendly choices when you’re attending Annual Conference, because the big creation care decisions were...

One Matters Award: Rochester UMC focuses on kids, parents, and discipleship

One Matters Award: Rochester UMC focuses on kids, parents, and discipleship By Jesse N. Love with Pastor Heather Sparkman and the Rev. David Nieda Rochester, Wash....

In Focus: Leadership Development

In Focus: Leadership Development By Terri Stewart MEETING ATTENDEE AVAILABILITY In the Leadership Development Focus Group, two pieces of legislation came before the group. The first focused on...

Retirements recognized at 2014 Annual Conference

Retirements recognized at 2014 Annual Conference By Gretchen Engle with Jesse N. Love At this year's Pacific Northwest Annual Conference Sessions, we honored and celebrated this...

Celebrate good health as YOUR next act!

Blueprint for Wellness Screenings By Bruce Galvin On Friday and Saturday morning, June 20-21, 100 clergy and their spouses participated in the blueprint for wellness screen at the site of...