Advent Resources from The Regional Media Center

On the Shelf By Ellen Johanson Advent Resources By the time you read this, Advent will be right around the corner...but in the world of resource centers,...

Welcome Ian McKnight, Interim Manager of The Regional Media Center!

Visit: REGIONAL MEDIA CENTER | FACEBOOK: RMC | E-MAIL “It cannot be that the people should grow in grace unless they give themselves to reading....

Nurturing Elders: Near The End!

Nurturing Elders: Near The End! By the Rev. Paul Graves Don’t let “near the end” scare you! The end may be one of the best times...

Resource: A Gift of Music

By Peter Fraser The following worship songs were written over the last eight years, and were inspired by a need for quality worship songs with...

5ive Signs of Success in the Fight Against Malaria

Photo by Mike Dubose. 5ive Signs of Success in the Fight Against Malaria By Julia Frisbie 1. Death Rates Cut in Half When the United Methodist Church started...

UMC Cyber Campus Offers Education Anytime, Anywhere

By Vicki Brown* Training materials for annual conference Boards of Ordained Ministry, presentations from a churchwide sexual ethics summit, and a lecture by a well-known...

What exactly is going on in The United Methodist Church?

By Patrick Scriven "My pastor hasn't mentioned General Conference once from the pulpit. He's afraid of the conflict." "It's all so confusing. And exhausting. Help!" I've been...

Malaria: New INM field coordinator to serve as resource for Greater NW

Greater Northwest Bishop Grant Hagiya with INM Field Coordinator Julia Frisbie and INM Steering Committee Chair Emilie Kroen. New INM field coordinator to serve as...

Embracing a Season of Fruitfulness at the Summit

Attendees of the quadrennial Leadership Summit close worship in prayer before beginning workshops. This year, the summit was held at Vancouver: First UMC. The Leadership...

Resource: Election Day Prayer

The following resource was submitted by Rev. DJ del Rosario, lead pastor at Bothell United Methodist Church. This collaboration by leaders from Bothell United...