PNW UMVIM: Carlton Complex Fire Recovery Update

A glimpse of the damage caused by the Carlton Complex fire in Pateros, Wash.Carlton Complex Fire Recovery Update By Jim Truitt | Photos by Jesse...

Rebuild: Up From the Ashes | We Need You!

(Left) Rosalee Mohney leaders a discussion during November's Laity Immersion experience in Okanogan County.  (Right) A junk pile of rusty, metal rest in between...

Wildfire Update: 180 homes burned, financial support needed

An air tanker plane dropping fire retardant over the advancing Chelan Butte wildfire (part of the Chelan Complex fire) in Chelan, Wash. Photo courtesy...

Whom Shall I Send?

By the Rev. Dennis Paschke Tacoma churches endure heat, exhaustion, and emotional strain during mission…but discover purpose and holiness in serving those with greater needs. Last...

Up from the Ashes: Funding achieved for the FINAL phase of recovery

By Gerri Harvill, Stan Norman, and Jim Truitt Photos by PNW UMVIM, et. al. "Thanks to generous donations and strong partnerships, funding for the final phase...

How have ERTs fulfilled its mission of service in 2017?

By Kathy Bryson For the PNW Early Response Team program, 2017 was a year kaf firsts. We hosted our first annual weekend “Spring Training” at...

Faith in Action! Rebuild campaign NEEDS YOU!

By Rosalee Mohney | Photos by Andy O'Donnell, Jesse N. Love, et. al. Now fully-funded, volunteers are needed to help rebuild remaining homes for victims...

Fund Raiser for Rebuild: Up From the Ashes on May 6th at Bellevue First...

By Rosalee Mohney, Seattle District Co-Lay Leader/Wildfires UMVIM Coordinator You, your friends, your neighbors, and all your cousins are invited to this special and exciting event...

Volunteer teams needed for Carlton Complex rebuild

Kevin Froese, on deck at left, of Mennonite Disaster Service, speaks during the Aug. 23 dedication of the first of 11 houses to be...

Wildfires Update: Our Work Continues – How to Volunteer – Get Training

By Jim Truitt The wildfires in eastern Washington are finally either out or fully contained. State and Federal assessors are in the field this week...