Bishops uphold values of mission, unity, space, contextuality in interim report on Way Forward’s...

LAKE JUNALUSKA, NORTH CAROLINA _ Placing emphasis on the values of unity, space and contextuality - all for the sake of mission – the...

New scholarship opportunity for students in Pacific Northwest Conference!

Are you a United Methodist college student in the Pacific Northwest Conference? If so, the Pacific Northwest Conference has a new scholarship program available for students who are pursuing a...

A Sunday of Solidarity for Suffering Children | Sunday, June 30

In light of the recent news about children in U.S. government holding facilities along the U.S.-Mexico border, the United Methodist Committee on Relief has...

United Methodist Bishops condemn President Trump’s “offensive” remarks against immigrants

"As reported, President Trump’s words are not only offensive and harmful, they are racist." Council of Bishops President Bruce Ough offers a strongly worded rebuke of President Donald J. Trump's language during negotiations with congressional leaders over immigration. He shares the Council of Bishops call to all United Methodists "to condemn this characterization and further call for President Trump to apologize."

United Methodist bishops call for a ‘Clean Dream Act’

WASHINGTON – United Methodist bishops are urging the United States Congress to pass a Clean Dream Act that would allow undocumented young people the...

Auburn First UMC to Host “Supporting the Transgender” Workshop in September

The Reconciling Ministries team at Auburn First UMC is presenting a mini-workshop entitled Supporting the Transgender – A Medical and Spiritual Journey to be held on Saturday, September 14 at the church.

Commission on a Way Forward prepares updated report to bishops

DALLAS - The Commission on a Way Forward is nearing the completion of its task of making recommendations of possible ways forward for The...

Interpreting a Silent Bible

Edmonds, Washington – What would it be like to live in a silent world? Wind would play in the trees, but the rustle of...

African bishops won’t support call for dissolution of UMC

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   September 24, 2018 FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE — Bishops in Africa have resolved not to support any proposed legislation that calls for splitting...

Worship and Music Director Sought for 2020 General Conference

The Commission on the General Conference is seeking a worship and music director responsible for the overall worship and music program management of The United Methodist Church’s 2020 General Conference. The denomination’s top legislative body meets May 5-15, 2020, in Minneapolis.