United Methodist Church offers the gift of hospitality

Nashville, Tennessee: The United Methodist Church is taking to the streets of nine major U.S. cities to offer the gift of hospitality this Christmas...

The Global Mission Fellows Program is looking for young leaders for their 2019 cohort!

Submitted by Erica Kay Oliveira The Global Mission Fellows Program is a paid, faith-based opportunity for 20-30 year olds to serve two years in social justice...

Lewis Center for Church Leadership Engages New Audience, New Topics with Podcast

The Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary recently launched the Leading Ideas Talks podcast. With new entries each Wednesday, listeners will learn from ecumenical and intentionally diverse guests speaking on various topics like stewardship, evangelism, preaching, and church growth.

Local church effort brings nationally recognized Climate Speakers Network training for clergy to the...

Ashland, Oregon – For the past two years, the Climate Speakers Network (CSN), a program of The Climate Reality Project, has partnered with the...

Messy Church USA to offer a “Getting Started With Messy Church” conference for area...

Messy Church USA in cooperation with Cheney United Methodist Church is offering a regional Conference event on October 5 sharing the best practices to use in starting your own Messy Church.

Commission members grateful to serve, complete work on final report

LOS ANGELES – Members of the Commission on a Way Forward expressed gratitude at the opportunity to be part of the Commission and they...

UMC bishops honor, remember Rev. Dr. Cone

WASHINGTON, D. C -  United Methodist bishops are honoring and remembering the legacy of the Rev. Dr. James Cone, the Bill and Judith Moyers...

Global Migration Sunday set for First Sunday in Advent, December 3

Nashville, Tennessee: Every minute, an average of 20 people worldwide flee their homes because of war, famine and persecution. To prayerfully remember the plight...

Greater Northwest Area Disaster Response Programs Looking Ahead

In a new step of collaboration, Jim Truitt is leaving his role as Disaster Response Coordinator for the PNW Conference to provide leadership for for a Greater Northwest Area Disaster Response pilot program. Dana and Kathy Bryson will be replacing Jim as Disaster Response Coordinators in the PNW.

United Methodist Council of Bishops President appeals for prayers and disaster relief support

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, September 1, 2017 WASHINGTON – Council of Bishops President Bishop Bruce R. Ough is urging all United Methodists to pray and offer...