Judicial Council ruling finds #UMC Book of Discipline incapable of contextual adaptation

The Rev. Mary Huycke, first elected clergy delegate from the PNW and chair of the WJ Episcopacy Committee, responds to the ruling released by the Judicial Council today. Huycke writes that it was "our church law that was on trial here." The ruling confirms for her that the Book of Discipline lacks the ability to adapt "during a time of transition."

What are we called to do? What’s next?

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An Update from Standing Rock

Originally posted to the PNW UMC Board of Church & Society's Facebook Page. It is 5am here and the Water Ceremony at Standing Rock Oceti...

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How is our time of waiting still active and alive?

By Bailey Brawner | Cover photo courtesy of Wikipedia What does it mean to wait for this new thing? Where can we find life in...

The Complicated Business​ of Celebrating the Past

By Patrick Scriven As a child of the 80s, I've come to realize that I carry a fair amount of nostalgia for some movies and...

Dear Dr. King: I Still Struggle for Freedom

A large group of African-American spectators stands on the banks of Buffalo Bayou to witness a baptism. Many umbrellas are present indicating an effort...