You can’t be part of a movement when you are standing still

By Patrick Scriven, Director of Communications & Young People's Ministries I remember being disappointed the first time I visited Mars Hill Church in Seattle. You...

Journeys: “…together we can do what we cannot do alone.”

Amory Peck and Joan Holms are pictured at the 2012 Pacific Northwest Annual Conference. Journeys | By Joan Holms I find that I have many more...

Musings: The State of the Modern Church

For more information on these images, visit • • • Musings & Younger Perspectives By Megan Ernst Kilpatrick | Montage by Jesse N....

Hottest Year Calls for Renewed Holy Dissatisfaction

Yakima: Wesley UMC dedicates its solar panels in honor of Earth Day in 2016. A representative from Pacific Power addresses the audience with Sara...

Dear Martin: Knowing Who We Are in a Multicultural Nation

Luneta National Park in the Philippines features art and poetry including "Ako Ay Pilipino". By Jesse N. Love | Additional Photos by Nobel Foundation, Wikipedia Note: This week,...

Did you ever feel like the time before Christmas is just upside-down?

By the Rev. Paul Graves Do you remember the lead-up to Christmas when you were a child? If you now have children, or grandchildren, or...

Seeing God beyond culture, politics and climate change in the Philippines #gypcla14

A view of the damaged CCT Tagaytay Retreat and Training Center • The Rev. Andrew Tiver presents a morning worship at the National Council...

Does God REALLY care who wins the Superbowl?

By Patrick Scriven | Director of Communications & Young People's Ministry “Pour out your anger on the nations that do not know you, and on the...

Review: Spiritual Kaizen

Bishop Grant Hagiya of the Greater Northwest Area speaks about developing new leaders, one of the denomination's Four Areas of Focus during an April...

Commentary: Reflections on a Strange Silence

Reflections on a Strange Silence By the Rev. Vince Hart About 25 years ago I submitted a paper at the Portland hearing of the UMC Committee...