Commentary: Banking on Standing Rock

By Rev. Richenda Fairhurst | Pastor, Camas United Methodist Church On November 14th, the Army Corps of Engineers announced it would not grant an easement...

Review: Spiritual Kaizen

Bishop Grant Hagiya of the Greater Northwest Area speaks about developing new leaders, one of the denomination's Four Areas of Focus during an April...

Dear Rev. King: I Have a Dream, Too.

(Left) The Hirano family, left to right, George, Hisa, and Yasbei. Colorado River Relocation Center, Poston, Arizona., 1942-1945 (Courtesy of The Department of the Interior,...

What can we do to end gun violence and bring safety to our communities?

By the Rev. Sandy Brown | Photos by Jesse N. Love The horrific shooting on November 5 at Sutherland Springs Baptist Church brings the gun...

We Make the Road by Walking Gayly Forward

"[W]e are in a battle for the soul of our denomination," writes the Rev. Zach Taylor in commentary on the PNW News Blog. Taylor shares how the church he is planting in Walla Walla responded to General Conference tumult in a way faithful to their identity.

People of Faith Care for Our Common Home!

  By The Rev. Ron Hines | Photos by John Hill, Jesse N. Love, and Jenny Phillips In their many Ways, people of faith across the...

Commentary: The Simple Way to “Do No Harm”

In commentary written for the PNW News Blog, the Rev. Austin Adkinson expresses disappointment in the One Church Plan (OCP) which codifies provisions allowing for continued discrimination. He argues that the Simple Plan offers a better route for Methodists intent on following Wesley's admonition to "do no harm."

Seven Ministry Convictions, part 4

By Rev. Dale Cockrum | Inland District Superintendent In the last several Inland Steeples (part 1, part 2, part 3), I've been sharing a conversation I had...

Musings: “Called to Vote”

President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, Vice-Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan Musings & Younger Perspectives: Called to Vote | By Nico Romeijn-Stout We are...

Social Principles = Law in the #UMC?

Sorry to Non-Methodists, but this is a really inside-the-ballpark conversation.The United Methodist Church, the predecessors of which grew up during the rise of the...