We Make the Road by Walking Gayly Forward

"[W]e are in a battle for the soul of our denomination," writes the Rev. Zach Taylor in commentary on the PNW News Blog. Taylor shares how the church he is planting in Walla Walla responded to General Conference tumult in a way faithful to their identity.

Commentary: The Simple Way to “Do No Harm”

In commentary written for the PNW News Blog, the Rev. Austin Adkinson expresses disappointment in the One Church Plan (OCP) which codifies provisions allowing for continued discrimination. He argues that the Simple Plan offers a better route for Methodists intent on following Wesley's admonition to "do no harm."

Dear Martin: Knowing Who We Are in a Multicultural Nation

Luneta National Park in the Philippines features art and poetry including "Ako Ay Pilipino". By Jesse N. Love | Additional Photos by Nobel Foundation, Wikipedia Note: This week,...

Stop Preaching, Start Reaching!

By Patrick Scriven, Director of Communications & Young People's Ministries I can't remember the last time a sermon changed my mind. There, I’ve said it....

Your Thoughts and Prayers have just Arrived

A recent Facebook post with a meme criticizing the "thoughts and prayers" response to disasters got under the skin of Scott Rosekrans, pastor of Port Hadlock Community UMC. He spent some time reflecting on what prayer should mean to Christians and how a sincere faith is inevitably coupled with action.

Musings: “Called to Vote”

President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, Vice-Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan Musings & Younger Perspectives: Called to Vote | By Nico Romeijn-Stout We are...

From the Global Lens: Climate Refugees

Refugees travel in a rubber boat across the Aegean Sea from Turkey to the Greek island of Lesbos on October 30, 2015.  They were...

Hottest Year Calls for Renewed Holy Dissatisfaction

Yakima: Wesley UMC dedicates its solar panels in honor of Earth Day in 2016. A representative from Pacific Power addresses the audience with Sara...

Review: Spiritual Kaizen

Bishop Grant Hagiya of the Greater Northwest Area speaks about developing new leaders, one of the denomination's Four Areas of Focus during an April...

A Word About the Oliveto Decision

"What we are really wrestling with is the character and will of God. Is God a compassionate, benevolent presence that offers blessing and favor? Or, is God a righteous judge that separates the pure and impure..." Seattle District Superintendent Rich Lang reflects upon last week's Judicial Council ruling and what it means for The United Methodist Church.