Judicial Council ruling finds #UMC Book of Discipline incapable of contextual adaptation

The Rev. Mary Huycke, first elected clergy delegate from the PNW and chair of the WJ Episcopacy Committee, responds to the ruling released by the Judicial Council today. Huycke writes that it was "our church law that was on trial here." The ruling confirms for her that the Book of Discipline lacks the ability to adapt "during a time of transition."

What’s life REALLY like in seminary?

By Bailey Brawner, Elizabeth Hurd, and Maggie Ward Three United Methodist women sit in a classroom, sipping coffee and tea on a cool Saturday morning...

What are we called to do? What’s next?

By Amory Peck | Photo by the Rev. David V. Valera I spent several days thinking and praying about the latest edition of Channels. During...

A Reflection on the Film “Documented”

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas (center) presented his film "Documented" in Seattle's Wing Luke Museum on October 18, 2014. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hn5NoK7fM_Q&w=560&h=315] A Hispanic Happenings Reflection...

Making My Daily Bread (Recipe Included!)

“Give us this day our daily bread…” this is the line in the Lord’s Prayer that I most take for granted. In my household,...

Seven Ministry Convictions, part 4

By Rev. Dale Cockrum | Inland District Superintendent In the last several Inland Steeples (part 1, part 2, part 3), I've been sharing a conversation I had...

A Matter of Alignment?

The Rev. Paul Graves uses the metaphor of chiropractic alignment to discuss the problems we are experiencing as a denomination today, and at times in our own struggles as well. He states, "alignment has everything to do with relationships we have – with our bodies, emotions, the people we live with and around, the God we perceive, and the Bible we read."

What if we’re making the wrong decisions?

By the Rev. Alissa Bertsch Johnson | Photo by Kathy Sawtells, cover illustration courtesy of Wikipedia On Oct. 22, while preaching on Moses leading the...

Bishop Woodie: A Letter to Martin Luther King Jr. – 2017

  By Bishop Woodie W. White | Montage photos courtesy of Mike DuBose, Maile Bradfield, et. al. This article was originally released through the Interpreter.  You...

How is our time of waiting still active and alive?

By Bailey Brawner | Cover photo courtesy of Wikipedia What does it mean to wait for this new thing? Where can we find life in...