Judicial Council ruling finds #UMC Book of Discipline incapable of contextual adaptation

The Rev. Mary Huycke, first elected clergy delegate from the PNW and chair of the WJ Episcopacy Committee, responds to the ruling released by the Judicial Council today. Huycke writes that it was "our church law that was on trial here." The ruling confirms for her that the Book of Discipline lacks the ability to adapt "during a time of transition."

Hottest Year Calls for Renewed Holy Dissatisfaction

Yakima: Wesley UMC dedicates its solar panels in honor of Earth Day in 2016. A representative from Pacific Power addresses the audience with Sara...

How is our time of waiting still active and alive?

By Bailey Brawner | Cover photo courtesy of Wikipedia What does it mean to wait for this new thing? Where can we find life in...

Elders: Listen to Your Questions!

Nurturing Elders and Others: Listen to Your Questions: Active Listening to Your Inner-Self By The Rev. Paul Graves Nearly four years ago, I began to verbalize a...

What if we’re making the wrong decisions?

By the Rev. Alissa Bertsch Johnson | Photo by Kathy Sawtells, cover illustration courtesy of Wikipedia On Oct. 22, while preaching on Moses leading the...

Musings: The State of the Modern Church

For more information on these images, visit http://bit.ly/praying-soldiers • http://bit.ly/jesus-drawing • http://bit.ly/sinking-ship • http://bit.ly/camp-worship Musings & Younger Perspectives By Megan Ernst Kilpatrick | Montage by Jesse N....

An Identity Crisis

General Crisis 2012: Am I a part of a “conflict-religion?” | By Jesse N. Love Recently, I was updating my Facebook account, specifically under the...

And the children shall lead us…

According to Patrick Scriven, the advocacy of young people in the wake of last week's school shooting is both inspiring and unsettling. It's inspiring because it may be making a difference but it's unsettling because it also speaks to the brokenness of institutions like the federal government and The United Methodist Church.

Biblical Obedience

By Roy I. Sano, Bishop | The United Methodist Church A growing number of United Methodist clergy are conducting same gender unions in violation of...

“Yes, I am called, but how, and to what?”

By Sophia K.R. Agtarap This notion of being called is not a new one. Scripture is peppered with stories of our foreparents in faith being called...