Nurturing Elders: Community Conversations Explore End-of-Life

Hourglass image courtesy of Wikipedia. For more info, click here. Nurturing Elders and Others: Community Conversations Explore End-of-Life By The Rev. Paul Graves • This...

Elders: Lean to the Other Side!

Nurturing Elders and Others: Lean to the Other Side! By the Rev. Paul Graves As a wood-worker, I make a pretty fair preacher! That’s to say, wood-working...

Embracing the Creative Age: A Boomer Reflects Upon Growing Older

By Ellis Waller-Walker I am a boomer and confronting getting older. The irony is that I happened to have a background in aging as a...

Jesus wasn’t a Zero-Sum Game Player

"From benign bicyclists ignoring stop signs to increasingly toxic shoving matches to the horrors of mass shootings, zero-sum games are played every day." For the Rev. Paul Graves, the pervasive winner-takes-all mentality this engenders stands in contrast to the ministry and teachings of Jesus.

Elders: When Jesus is the Question!?

Nurturing Elders and Others: When Jesus is the Question!? By The Rev. Paul Graves | Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons In a recent interview on National Public...

Spiritual maturity needs “spizzerinctum” and “sprezzatura”!

Nurturing Elders and Others Spiritual maturity needs “spizzerinctum” and “sprezzatura”! By the Rev. Paul Graves In his 2011 book “A Lever and A Place to Stand”, Richard...

Elders: God is BIG on heart-searches, too!

By the Rev. Paul Graves As I imagine him, the father looks to the horizon every time he comes out on the porch. Even when...

Nurturing Elders: Tutoring connects church with the neighborhood

By the Rev. Al Aosved | Photo courtesy of Wikipedia and Jesse N. Love It is Thursday. Folks have been busy moving from room to room, picking...

I don’t have time to be patient!

Illustration of “Bobby Bumps Goes Fishing”, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, Nurturing Elders and Others: I don’t have time to be patient! By The Rev. Paul Graves When...

Threshold Decisions Nearly Every Day

Nurturing Elders and Others: Threshold Decisions Nearly Every Day By the Rev. Paul Graves In late June, I wrote my monthly faith-and-values column for the Spokesman-Review on...