Question Time: Mission u Edition!

By Nica Sy Nica Sy is a young person who attended Mission u, an annual cooperative mission experience by the PNW Conference’s United Methodist Women...

A reflection on exclusion and language by Paul Jeffrey

By the Rev. Paul Jeffrey Some ten million people in the world today are stateless. They aren’t recognized as citizens of any nation. Without legal...

Making a Difference Through Learning and Sharing

Making a Difference Through Learning and Sharing By Brianna Smith | Photo by The Rev. Paul Jeffrey Hello, my name is Brianna Smith and I am...

People of Faith Care for Our Common Home!

  By The Rev. Ron Hines | Photos by John Hill, Jesse N. Love, and Jenny Phillips In their many Ways, people of faith across the...

Missionary Conference Connections

By Rev. Golden Neal | Photos by Joan Hackett and Jesse N. Love Ellensburg, Wash. – If I had to sum up my experience at...

Mission u: Course studies enrich, challenge attendees

(Top) Choir performs a song in-between learning sessions. (Bottom left) A drama session on disabilities. (Bottom right) Special music at Mission u. Mission u: Course studies...

Register for Mission u!

This year, Mission u will be held at Central Washington University (Ellensburg, Wash.). Register for Mission u! By Lethe McGavran WHAT: Mission u WHEN: July 17-20, 2015 WHERE:...

My Favorite Mission u Moments

My Favorite Mission u Moments By Janjay Innis Recently, I attended Mission u (formerly known as The Cooperative School of Mission) an annual weekend study on...

Just Save One Child during ‘Season of Hope’ kicked off by World AIDS Day,...

United Methodist Global AIDS Fund offers Bible study, worship service for 15th anniversary that lands on Advent Sunday.The United Methodist Global AIDS Fund (UMGAF)...

Save the date – Mission u is July 13-16, 2018

Mission u: What about our money? By the Rev. Neal Christie | Photos by Jesse N. Love What are a few topics were you taught to avoid...