Musings: Do Young Adults Exist?

Musings & Younger Perspectives: Do Young Adults Exist? By The Rev. Emma Donohew | Photos courtesy of Wikimedia Commons (See links below) As a young Millennial pastor...

Musings: Prisoners are Children of God

A southern chain gang, between 1900 and 1906. Photo by Detroit Publishing Co./Library of Congress/Wikimedia Commons. Musings & Younger Perspectives: Prisoners are Children of God By Colin Cushman Our...

GC2016: What can churchgoers do together?

By Heather Hahn May 13, 2016 | PORTLAND, Ore. (UMNS) Hannah Foust, as a United Methodist sixth-grader in Indiana, saw a video about the desperate need...

When Faith Journeys Converge

Musings & Younger Perspectives: When Faith Journeys Converge | By Douglas Ferguson Life events often define who we are in the eyes of others, in part...

An Intentional Time: Mission u Convergence

An Intentional Time: Mission u Convergence By Courtney Pazan A warm afternoon was spent on the deck of Totem at Camp Indianola, reading aloud to senior...

The Call

By Olivia Smith | Ministry Intern @ Valley & Mountain Fellowship I remember being introduced to the inside of the four walls, strangely animated saints, and...

Campus Connection: The Importance of Interfaith Dialogue

Background photo courtesy of Wikipedia/Chmee2. For more info on this photo, click here. Campus Connection: The Importance of Interfaith Dialogue at The Evergreen State College Part...

Regional Media Center offers 20 percent holiday discount for memberships

Videos, audio, and printed materials are available at the Regional Media Center, a media lending library with items to help support your local church...

Ministry Interns: Desire, Delight, & Data; Oh My!

Trust in the Lord, and do good;
 dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.
 Delight yourself in the Lord,
 and he will give you the desires of...

Musings: To Abide in the Vine and Be Fruitful

The Rev. Shalom Agtarap packs up her stuff as she prepares to begin her new appointment as associate pastor of Seattle: Blaine UMC. Musings & Younger...