Jars for Jamaa Letu 2017

Download the PDF label at www.jamaaletu.org. By Barbara Dadd Shaffer Like all families, it costs money to raise children in the Congo, too. The annual “Jars” campaign...

Coupeville’s traditional Strawberry Social supports Jamaa Letu, PET mobility devices

By Suzanne Wallis | Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, Hope for the Children of Africa. “Yes, Virginia, this is your grandmother’s Strawberry Social!” Coupeville, Wash. -...

Wandering Uganda: Serving, Changing, Growing

Denise Belista (top left), poses with children from the local community in Uganda.  Denise served as a global justice volunteer assigned to serve with...

United Methodist Insurance Provides Helpful Resource for Local Churches

Nashville, TN –  United Methodist Insurance (UMI), the insurance company for the denomination’s local churches, has provided an easy to use, free resource for...

Getting Grilled about God

By Scott Rosekrans | Pastor, Port Hadlock Community UMC Yesterday after our outdoor service we had a joint church picnic on the grounds. As I was cooking the hotdogs...

Seattle District musical event raises funds for Rebuild: Up from the Ashes

The praise team from First United Methodist Church in Bellevue, Wash. brought a joyful noise during the Seattle District fund-raising event for the Rebuild:...

How have ERTs fulfilled its mission of service in 2017?

By Kathy Bryson For the PNW Early Response Team program, 2017 was a year kaf firsts. We hosted our first annual weekend “Spring Training” at...

Sandpoint United Methodist Kids Buy an Ark

The kids at Sandpoint United Methodist Church in Sandpoint, Idaho have been collecting change from the adults in the congregation every other Sunday for...

People of Faith Care for Our Common Home!

  By The Rev. Ron Hines | Photos by John Hill, Jesse N. Love, and Jenny Phillips In their many Ways, people of faith across the...

What moments in our lives remind us of our promise to serve?

By The Rev. Dr. Carmen Manalac-Scheuerman Commissioned as Global Missionary of the UMC Praise the Lord! After almost three years, returning with my family to Philippines serving...