Standing with Standing Rock, Part One

By Kristina Gonzalez | Director of Leadership Development for an Inclusive Church Part 1: Mni Wiconi, Water is Life Early morning in North Dakota is dark...

Dr. Cornel West on Abraham Joshua Heschel

Dr. Cornel West on Abraham Joshua Heschel By Jesse Love, the Rev. Katie Ladd and Pastor Karen Yokota On Saturday, March 8, Seattle’s Queen Anne UMC...

The Western Methodist Justice Movement convenes in Sacramento

  By Rhondalei Gabuat Sacramento, Calif. - The leadership team of the Western Methodist Justice Movement (WMJM) convened their yearly planning meeting at The Table United...

Peace with Justice grant application deadline Jan. 10

$49,315 awarded to 14 ministries by General Board of Church & Society in 2014 WASHINGTON, D.C. — Jan. 10 is the deadline to apply for...

Global Mission Fellows meet Dr. Cornel West

Gretchen Brown, the Rev. Katie Ladd, Dr. Cornel West, Sarah Roemer and Janjay Innis gather after West’s visit to The Well at Queen Anne UMC....

Training on Social Principles offered in Federal Way as draft version of new principles...

United Methodists gathered at Federal Way United Methodist Church for a Social Principles Training Event last Saturday with the Rev. Dr. Clayton Childers from the General Board of Church and Society. Learn more about the event and an upcoming opportunity to attend a repeat training at Spokane Valley United Methodist Church on May 12th.

Justice for our Neighbors has never been more important

Central Washington Justice for Our Neighbors provides an update on their important work in the wake a difficult week in our nation and an opportunity to help support it. Every dollar donated to CWJFON between now and December 31st will be matched up to $10,000.

Pastors urge fast July 15 for Mideast peace

A UMNS report by Heather Hahn | July 10, 2014 | NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) Sometimes a move toward peace begins with putting down the fork....

Spokane Valley UMC & UMW: Intercept Human Trafficking

  By Madelyn Bafus Spokane Valley United Methodist Church and its United Methodist Women participated in the Intercept Human Trafficking Photo Campaign. “We at Spokane Valley take very...

Filipino Fellowship and NW hospitality warm a cool night

By Jesse N. Love May 19, 2016 | Vancouver, Wash. Vancouver, Wash. - It’s a misty evening in Vancouver, Washington. As chairs gently screech across the social...