The Call

By Olivia Smith | Ministry Intern @ Valley & Mountain Fellowship I remember being introduced to the inside of the four walls, strangely animated saints, and...

Peace with Justice Grant Program

Peace with Justice grants are being offered by the United Methodist Church Pacific Northwest Conference Church and Society Action Team Peace with Justice program...

Dear Dr. King, I am terrified.

Today, we celebrate the birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.! Several writers and friends from the PNW have joined together to...

Hillary Clinton: ‘Time to roll up our sleeves, make it happen’ #Assembly2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton (center) waves to participants at the United Methodist Women's Assembly at the Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville, Ky., following her...

SUMYT: Growing closer to God with my second family

The 2016-2017 SUMYT Team worked together for a year to produce its annual retreat. By Meaghan Vaden | Photos by Amy Keough | Logo design by SUMYT,...

Community Organizer on a Mission

Global Missions Fellow Angela Reed is assigned to Tacoma Community House. She shares with us some her work as a community organizer for TCH, learning and educating others about their important welcoming work.

At-One-Ment with the Children

By the Rev. Paul Graves | Photo courtesy of Fabrice Florin/Wikipedia, As it happened, I was sitting in front of the TV as the...

Japanese American United Methodists offer support of immigrants, reminder of history

In response to escalating attacks on immigrants to the United States, Japanese American United Methodists are finding ways to offer their support for immigrants. As Sasha Terry shares, many also see echos today of the racist acts that led to the incarceration of 120,000 Japanese Americans during World War II.

Advocate Now for Farm Worker Justice

Almost 60 years ago, Edward R. Murrow's groundbreaking TV documentary entitled the "Harvest of Shame" highlighted for Americans the plight of farm workers. Despite many marches, boycotts,...

2015 PNW Peace with Justice Grants Awarded

It is a pleasure to announce the recipients of the Peace with Justice Grants for 2015. The following projects are receiving cash awards from...